Pompeii Song by Bastille Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh I was left to my own devices Many days fell away with nothing to show And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love Grey clouds roll over the hills Bringing darkness from above But if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all? And if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like you've been here before? How am I gonna be an optimist about this? How am I gonna be an optimist about this? We were caught up and lost in all of our vices In your pose as the dust settled around us And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love Grey clouds roll over the hills Bringing darkness from above But if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all? And if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like you've been here before? How am I gonna be an optimist about this? How am I gonna be an optimist about this? Eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Oh, where do we begin? The rubble or our sins? Oh, oh, where do we begin? The rubble or our sins? And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love Grey clouds roll over the hills Bringing darkness from above But if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all? And if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like you've been here before? How am I gonna be an optimist about this? How am I gonna be an optimist about this? If you close your eyes Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all? Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh 日本国技 - 相扑 庞贝古城
梦なら醒める ああ いつかは醒 める
见なけりゃよかったのにと言 われても
それでも梦が 醒 めるまでのあいだ
见てたことを幸せと呼 びたいわ
あなたの町が 窓の向 こうで
星のように远ざかる电车で思 います
幸せになる 道には二 つある
一つめは愿いごとうまく叶 うこと
幸せになる 道には二 つある
もう一つは愿いなんか舍 ててしまうこと
せんないね せんないね どちらもぜいたくね
せんないね せんないね これからどうしよう
好想变得幸福啊 !
旅の途中の ああ 雪降る駅 で
なぜ降 りてしまったのかわからない
あなたは来ない 追いかけては来 ない
当たり前ねと小さく笑 います
急ぎ足では 远 ざかれない
雪の粒より小さな梦をまだ见 てるわ
幸せになる 道には二 つある
一つめは愿いごとうまく叶 うこと
幸せになる 道には二 つある
もう一つは愿いなんか舍 ててしまうこと
せんないね せんないね どちらもぜいたくね
せんないね せんないね これからどうしよう
幸 せになりたいね
好想变得幸福啊 !
幸せになる 道には二 つある
一つめは愿いごとうまく叶 うこと
幸せになる 道には二 つある
もう一つは愿いなんか舍 ててしまうこと
せんないね せんないね
せんないね せんないね
好想变得幸福啊 !
Pompeii Song by Bastille Eh-eh-oh, eh-ohEh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh I was left to my own devices
Many days fell away with nothing to show And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Grey clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above But if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this? We were caught up and lost in all of our vices
In your pose as the dust settled around us And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Grey clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above But if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this? Eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Oh, where do we begin?
The rubble or our sins?
Oh, oh, where do we begin?
The rubble or our sins? And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Grey clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above But if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
If you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all? Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh
Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh 日本国技 - 相扑
更多我的博客文章>>> 【环球之旅】日文首秀《幸せ》日文+日本 《Pompeii》英文+意大利/英国 xiaoyu I Believe 【环球之旅】暖场 祝旅友《Good Time》 by 跳霸组合 英语+美国 【环球之旅】抢跑 《可惜不是你》中文+马来西亚 by 小璇/hophop 【环球之旅】抢跑 《深爱着你》中文+日本 跟风大咖