“表白”“告白”的意思就是告诉对方,你唱的某一首歌已经让咱成为了你的铁粉(我后续也会表白的,对象有唱坛的男声也有女声)。今天是替我哥哥当信使,以同一首歌,卡朋特的《There Is A Kind Of Hush》吉他弹唱版表白xiaosai小赛美女歌手,真诚地表达对她的音乐的喜爱,作为提前的感恩节礼物。
Written by: Giorgio Moroder, Tom Whitlock Watching every motion In my foolish lover's game On this endless ocean Finally lovers know no shame Turning and returning To some secret place inside Watching in slow motion As you turn around and say Take my breath away Take my breath away Watching I keep waiting Still anticipating love Never hesitating To become the fated ones Turning and returning To some secret place to hide Watching in slow motion As you turn to me and say Take my breath away Through the hourglass I saw you In time you slipped away When the mirror crashed I called you And turned to hear you say If only for today I am unafraid Take my breath away Take my breath away Watching every motion In this foolish lover's game Haunted by the notion Somewhere there's a love in flames Turning and returning To some secret place inside Watching in slow motion As you turn my way and say Take my breath away Take my breath away Take my breath away Take my breath away
Enya: Marble Halls I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls 我梦见我居住在大理石厅 with vassals and serfs at my side, 身边簇拥着一群仆从和奴隶 and of all who assembled within those walls 对镶在墙上画里的所有人来说 that I was the hope and the pride. 我是她们的希望和骄傲 I had riches all too great to count 我有数不尽的财富 and a high ancestral name. 以及高贵的世袭姓氏 But I also dreamt which pleased me most 但梦中最让我快乐的是 that you loved me still the same, 你依然那样爱我 that you loved me 你爱我 you loved me still the same, 你依然那样爱我 that you loved me 你爱我 you loved me still the same. 你依然那样爱我 I dreamt that suitors sought my hand, 我梦见求婚者祈求我的 that knights upon bended knee 骑士们为之屈膝的手, and with vows no maidens heart could withstand, 并诉说着让少女们怦然心动的誓言 they pledged their faith to me. 他们宣誓对我效忠 And I dreamt that one of that noble host 我还梦见一位贵族 came forth my hand to claim. 来到面前向我求爱 But I also dreamt which charmed me most 但梦中最让我心动的是 that you loved me still the same 你依然那样爱我 that you loved me 你爱我 you loved me still the same, 你依然那样爱我 that you loved me 你爱我 you loved me still the same. 你依然那样爱我
【环球之旅】《魂萦旧梦》(致敬风华)、好莱坞电影《TOP GUN》《纯真年代》插曲+中国、美国
版本1 演唱、制作 楼主
版本2 演唱、制作:楼主
第一首 《TOP GUN》系列主题曲《Take My Breath Away带走我的呼吸》
隔了三十年,《TOP GUN2:Maverick》终于横空出世,大多数童鞋跟我一样应该是《TOP GUN》与《TOP GUN2》一起看的吧--作为颜控的观感就是传说中的顶级神颜帅哥,我觉得跟布拉德皮特一样,都是大叔时代比青春偶像时代好看也耐看。
《TOP GUN2》估计在如今的中美关系下,中国上映这新冷战军事背景的片子大概遥遥无期。但我觉得制片方还是很有诚意想着进入东亚最大的市场的,片子里敌方亚裔军官人设也是英雄形象,也没有抹黑。
无论片子是否会被引进中国大陆,不妨碍咱翻唱这一曲风靡全球三十年的,开辟了由女声来原唱的“撩妹”歌金属摇滚的元祖歌曲、《TOP GUN》系列主题曲《Take My Breath Away带走我的呼吸》来讴歌爱情与永远青春的灵魂与勇敢。
演唱,制作:楼主 咱唱了这爱曲两个版本,加了一个带小变奏的版本,嗨到飞起
第二首 恩雅原唱的好莱坞文艺经典《纯真年代》唯美插曲marble halls
演唱与制作 楼主
《纯真年代》 The Age of Innocence (1993)--设想托尔斯泰笔下的安娜卡列尼娜与娜塔莎,沃伦斯基与安德烈公爵还有比埃尔都同在一部戏里出现会如何,就是这部!
港译名---心外幽情极好!innocence “清白”才是“Innocence”的正解,更多是无辜的含义。 片尾写的是导演的父亲。影片的结尾处说:“谨以此片献给我的父亲——luciano 史高西斯”所以这可能有一点自传的目的。
当年看着绝美的女一女二时候--无论如何想不到戏里面红颜命薄的 米歇尔·菲佛 如今虽然花甲之年依然是文艺天后,春风得意不可方物的美,所以猫型美人虎豹猫型美人是最耐摔打的。
表白环节:卡朋特的《There Is A Kind Of Hush》
“表白”“告白”的意思就是告诉对方,你唱的某一首歌已经让咱成为了你的铁粉(我后续也会表白的,对象有唱坛的男声也有女声)。今天是替我哥哥当信使,以同一首歌,卡朋特的《There Is A Kind Of Hush》吉他弹唱版表白xiaosai小赛美女歌手,真诚地表达对她的音乐的喜爱,作为提前的感恩节礼物。
Written by: Giorgio Moroder, Tom Whitlock Watching every motion In my foolish lover's game On this endless ocean Finally lovers know no shame Turning and returning To some secret place inside Watching in slow motion As you turn around and say Take my breath away Take my breath away Watching I keep waiting Still anticipating love Never hesitating To become the fated ones Turning and returning To some secret place to hide Watching in slow motion As you turn to me and say Take my breath away Through the hourglass I saw you In time you slipped away When the mirror crashed I called you And turned to hear you say If only for today I am unafraid Take my breath away Take my breath away Watching every motion In this foolish lover's game Haunted by the notion Somewhere there's a love in flames Turning and returning To some secret place inside Watching in slow motion As you turn my way and say Take my breath away Take my breath away Take my breath away Take my breath away
hún yíng jìu mèng 魂 萦 旧 梦 魂:灵魂 萦:萦绕,缠绕,牵绕等。 旧梦:过去的回忆,梦幻般的往事。 谱曲:侯湘 (李厚襄) 填词:水西村(李厚襄) 原唱:白光 花落水流春去无踪 只剩下遍地醉人东风 桃花时节露滴梧桐 那正是深闺话长情浓 青春一去永不重逢 海角天涯无影无踪 燕飞蝶舞各分西东 满眼是春色酥人心胸 (白)花落水流春去无踪 只剩下遍地醉人的东风 玫瑰般的美丽夜莺似的歌声 都随着无情的年华消逝 啊!我到哪寻找我往日的旧梦 只剩下满腹的心酸无限的苦痛... 青春一去永不重逢 海角天涯无影无踪 断无讯息石榴殷红 却偏是昨夜魂萦旧梦 却偏是昨夜魂萦旧梦
Enya: Marble Halls I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls 我梦见我居住在大理石厅 with vassals and serfs at my side, 身边簇拥着一群仆从和奴隶 and of all who assembled within those walls 对镶在墙上画里的所有人来说 that I was the hope and the pride. 我是她们的希望和骄傲 I had riches all too great to count 我有数不尽的财富 and a high ancestral name. 以及高贵的世袭姓氏 But I also dreamt which pleased me most 但梦中最让我快乐的是 that you loved me still the same, 你依然那样爱我 that you loved me 你爱我 you loved me still the same, 你依然那样爱我 that you loved me 你爱我 you loved me still the same. 你依然那样爱我 I dreamt that suitors sought my hand, 我梦见求婚者祈求我的 that knights upon bended knee 骑士们为之屈膝的手, and with vows no maidens heart could withstand, 并诉说着让少女们怦然心动的誓言 they pledged their faith to me. 他们宣誓对我效忠 And I dreamt that one of that noble host 我还梦见一位贵族 came forth my hand to claim. 来到面前向我求爱 But I also dreamt which charmed me most 但梦中最让我心动的是 that you loved me still the same 你依然那样爱我 that you loved me 你爱我 you loved me still the same, 你依然那样爱我 that you loved me 你爱我 you loved me still the same. 你依然那样爱我