除了滿洲國時期在中國上演的日片之外,《追捕》、《望鄉》、《狐狸的故事》算是中國改革開放初期,中日文化交流引進的第一批日本電影,高倉健、中野良子、粟原小卷、田中絹代……,等一眾外國名星成為年輕人的偶像。初試引進外國電影的成功,導致大量日片陸續登上大陸影壇。《幸福的黃手帕》、《遠山的呼喚》、《砂器》、《人證》、《啊 ! 野麥嶺》……等日本左翼影片相繼進入中國觀眾生活圈。 主題曲《人間の証明のテーマ》便來自根據同名小說改編的電影,長篇推理小說《人證》出自小說家森村誠一,電影則由東映株式會社出品。 上世紀八十年代中國青年無人不會哼唱幾句的是譯名《草帽歌》的該曲。這些電影打開了一扇門,西方社會進入中國人眼廉,尤其《人證》的紐約片斷,間接窺探到了美國。 如今再次傾聽這首歌曲,語言與社會環境都更為熟悉,感受則完全不可同日而語。 「詞」:西條八十 「曲」:大雄野二 「唱」:華西車城 Ma Ma do you remember the old straw hat you gave to me I lost that hat long ago flew to the foggy canyon Yeh Ma ma I wonder what happened to that old straw hat falling down the mountain side out of my reach like your heart Suddenly that wind came up stealing my hat from me yeh Swirling whirling gust of wind blowing it higher away Ma ma that old straw hat was the only one I really loved but we lost it No one could bring it back like the life you gave me Suddenly that wind came up stealing my hat from me yeh Swirling whirling gust of wind blowing it higher away Ma ma that old straw hat was the only one I really loved but we lost it No one could bring it back like the life you gave me
「詞」:西條八十 「曲」:大雄野二 「唱」:華西車城 Ma Ma do you remember the old straw hat you gave to me I lost that hat long ago flew to the foggy canyon Yeh Ma ma I wonder what happened to that old straw hat falling down the mountain side out of my reach like your heart Suddenly that wind came up stealing my hat from me yeh Swirling whirling gust of wind blowing it higher away Ma ma that old straw hat was the only one I really loved but we lost it No one could bring it back like the life you gave me Suddenly that wind came up stealing my hat from me yeh Swirling whirling gust of wind blowing it higher away Ma ma that old straw hat was the only one I really loved but we lost it No one could bring it back like the life you gave me
like the life you gave me