【一句话翻译】Do All lest Our Leader Should Turn into a Squall

楼主 (文学城)


Listen to me your self-claimed bard,

This test just isn't that hard,

Even if you don't think you are smart,

It'll still prove to be a walk in the park.


 Do 3/4 if into work you are just now called,

 Do 1/2 if your partner wants to go to the mall,

 Do 1/4 if some friends have asked you to play ball,

 But do all lest our leader should turn into a squall.


【Chinese to English Translation】

善战者鲜能善和,善和者寡能善战。 对谷歌的使用价值再怎么估计也不会过高。 是金子不一定都发光。 只要功夫深, 铁杵磨成针。


【English to Chinese Translation】

All cookies are not fattening. Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public.


【Idiom Paraphrasing】

Note:  Paraphrase the following two idioms that are marked in bold. You do NOT need to translate the sentences into Chinese. 

The biggest bank heist in history was about to go down. I loved the first book but the sequel is a different kettle of fish.



1.  Seeing that the police was coming, the money was left by the robbers beside the cash register.

2.  People should stop to smoke Cigarette as cigarettes smoking has been shown to cause cancer.  

谢谢Ibelieu主持一句话翻译及Idiom! 欢迎大家来玩文字游戏!日积月累,潜移默化,我深切感受到对我的巨大帮助!
This test just isn't that hard, you belie
不会比 transplanting flowers to wood 难吧? :)

【Chinese to English Translation】

善战者鲜能善和,善和者寡能善战。  The good fighters are not good at peacemaking while the peacemakers are barely good at fighting.  对谷歌的使用价值再怎么估计也不会过高。 It would not be overdone on the value in use of Google no matter how it is being estimated. 是金子不一定都发光。Gold is not always glittering.  只要功夫深, 铁杵磨成针。 You will be successful eventually as long as you work hard. 


【English to Chinese Translation】

All cookies are not fattening. 小饼干不是都增肥的。 Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public.

写书是冒险。开始时是个玩具和娱乐。然后变成女主人, 再然后成了暴君。 最后一个阶段,就如同你接受了你的奴役, 你杀掉魔鬼,把它扔到公众前。

【Idiom Paraphrasing】

Note:  Paraphrase the following two idioms that are marked in bold. You do NOT need to translate the sentences into Chinese. 

The biggest bank heist in history was about to go down.  The biggist bank heist was about to be commemorated. I loved the first book but the sequel is a different kettle of fish. I loved the first book but the sequel is a completely different type. 



1.  Seeing that the police was coming, the money was left by the robbers beside the cash register.  

    Seeing that the police was coming, the robbers left  the money beside the cash register.

2.  People should stop to smoke Cigarette as cigarettes smoking has been shown to cause cancer.  

     People should stop smoking Cigarette as cigarettes smoking  has been shown to cause cancer.   
It'll still prove to be a walk in the park胜似闲庭信步?
This certainly applies to the loyal fans of 梅雨潭. :)
Kudos to you; very well done! A good leader is one

who leads by example.  

题出得好!opening poem is very nice too, thank you! :)

【Chinese to English Translation】


Skillul fighters are seldom good peacemakers, and good peacemakers hardly ever excel at fighting.



The usefulness of Google could not be overestimated.



Not all gold glitter.


只要功夫深, 铁杵磨成针。

Perseverance prevails.

【English to Chinese Translation】

All cookies are not fattening.

That's a lie, unless there is another meaning that I'm not aware of. I refuse to translate it. :)))


Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public.


【Idiom Paraphrasing】

Note:  Paraphrase the following two idioms that are marked in bold. You do NOT need to translate the sentences into Chinese. 

The biggest bank heist in history was about to go down.

go down: be recorded or remembered in a particular way.


I loved the first book but the sequel is a different kettle of fish.

a different kettle of fish: a completely different type of person or thing.


1.  Seeing that the police was coming, the money was left by the robbers beside the cash register.

Seeing that the police were coming, the robbers left the money beside the cash register.


2.  People should stop to smoke Cigarette as cigarettes smoking has been shown to cause cancer.  

People should stop smoking Cigarette as cigarettes smoking has been proved to cause cancer.  

Thanks to Ibe for hosting. Here is my homework,

【Chinese to English Translation】

1. 善战者鲜能善和,善和者寡能善战。
Good fighters are rarely good at reconciling, and vice versa. 

2. 对谷歌的使用价值再怎么估计也不会过高。
3. 是金子不一定都发光。
Not every gold has chance to shine. 

4. 只要功夫深, 铁杵磨成针。
 Persistence matters. 

【English to Chinese Translation】

1. All cookies are not fattening.
2. Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public.
1. 所有的饼干都不会让人发胖。

2. 写书是一种冒险。 首先它是一种玩具和一种娱乐。 然后它变成了情妇,然后变成了主人,然后变成了暴君。 最后一个阶段是,就在您即将接受奴役时,您杀死了怪物并将其抛向公众。

【Idiom Paraphrasing】

Note:  Paraphrase the following two idioms that are marked in bold. You do NOT need to translate the sentences into Chinese. 

1. The biggest bank heist in history was about to go down. 倒闭

2. I loved the first book but the sequel is a different kettle of fish. 截然不同的事物


1.  Seeing that the police was coming, (the robbery left) the money was left by the robbers beside the cash register.

2.  People should stop to smoke (smoking) Cigarette as cigarettes smoking has been shown to cause cancer.  



go down的意思对吗?别的都很棒!奖励大红花!:)
都是好学生 :)
go down in the history

that means it will be remembered or recorded in history

I'm blown away by your wonderful effort. Great job.

-----"Perseverance prevails".     Simple is beautiful!

You spotted the police/singular error!  

But you should not be so scared by all of those yummy looking cookies as to refuse to translate that harmless sentence.  Maybe, just maybe, if you read Merchant of Venice, you'll be able to stomach at least some of them.  :)

大红花! I'm impressed. "Persistence matters" is

just beautiful and echoes 虫虫's wonderful version. 

I also like that "vice versa" a lot. 

Since 虫虫 does not believe 所有的饼干都不会让人发胖 ,maybe we should come up with a different version?


【Chinese to English Translation】

善战者鲜能善和,善和者寡能善战。Those who are good at fighting are rarely good at negotiating, and vice versa 对谷歌的使用价值再怎么估计也不会过高。The use value of Google could not be overestimated. 是金子不一定都发光。Not all gold do shine. 只要功夫深, 铁杵磨成针。As long as you try very hard, you can achieve anything.


【English to Chinese Translation】

All cookies are not fattening. 发福的起因绝不是饼干/事非所因 Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public.写一本书是一种冒险的事。 最初你心想它只是一种玩具和一种娱乐, 然后它变成了情妇,继而变成了主人,然后它变成了你的暴君。 最后结局是,就在你即将接受其奴役时,你杀死你写的这个怪物并将其抛向公众。


【Idiom Paraphrasing】

Note:  Paraphrase the following two idioms that are marked in bold. You do NOT need to translate the sentences into Chinese. 

The biggest bank heist in history was about to go down. come to an end. I loved the first book but the sequel is a different kettle of fish. another story



1.  Seeing that the police was coming, the robbers left the money beside the cash storyregister.

2.  People should stop smoking Cigarette as cigarettes smoking has been shown to cause cancer.  


【Chinese to English Translation】

善战者鲜能善和,善和者寡能善战。 It’s hard to get along with a good fighter.  It’s hard to fight with a peacemaker. 对谷歌的使用价值再怎么估计也不会过高。 The use value of Google will never be overly estimated. 是金子不一定都发光。 Not all the talented people will be discovered. 只要功夫深, 铁杵磨成针。 If you work hard, you’ll eventually achieve your goal.


【English to Chinese Translation】

All cookies are not fattening. 不是每个人都相同的。 Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public.



Outstanding effort. I like your use of "vice versa".

Simple, but effective. 

"... can/could not be overestimated" is spot-on. 

"As long as you try very hard, you can achieve anything" works well.


Good job. Some answers are thought provoking.

"It's hard to get along with a good fighter.  It's hard to fight with a peacemaker", for example, sounds more philosophical than the original.


"Not all the talented people will be discovered" makes things crystal clear by shedding the shell of a proverb.  


"不是每个人都相同的”is how a native speaker would usually do it.


Great effort!

Thanks for your feedback and encouragement! I greatly



【Chinese to English Translation】

善战者鲜能善和,善和者寡能善战。A good fighter is seldom a peace maker, and vice versa. 对谷歌的使用价值再怎么估计也不会过高。Never underestimate the value of Google. 是金子不一定都发光。Not all gold can shine 只要功夫深, 铁杵磨成针。With enough effort, even an iron bar can be filed to iron needle.

【English to Chinese Translation】

All cookies are not fattening.饼干并不致肥。 Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public.

写作就像一次冒险旅程。 开头像玩具一样具娱乐性, 然后像情妇一样迷人, 接着像主人一样驱使你, 最后成为暴君。  结局总是当你即将对被奴役的命运妥协时, 逆袭成功杀死这头怪兽, 并示众于人前。

【Idiom Paraphrasing】

Note:  Paraphrase the following two idioms that are marked in bold. You do NOT need to translate the sentences into Chinese. 

The biggest bank heist in history was about to go down. (happen) I loved the first book but the sequel is a different kettle of fish.(not cup of tea)



1.  Seeing that the police was coming, the money was left by the robbers beside the cash register. (the robbers left the money beside the cash register)

2.  People should (stop to smoke) – (stop smoking)   Cigarette as cigarette smoking has been shown to cause cancer. 

简言之,就是把男ID的主帖进行添油加醋,改头换面,或者共同新合作的帖,或者朗读,etc etc都行:)
Google is omnipotent
好作业/回答。all cookies not fattening 是不是更指烤饼干时:饼干没有全膨胀起来。
Amazingly well done. Like a few others, your

first Chinese-to-English translation captures the beauty of being simple.  The fourth is also praiseworthy.

Your second E-to-C is outstanding: it takes care of cultural differences that might pose some difficulty for Chinese readers, I think.

And someone finally gets "go down" right!  :)

It takes a sharp-eyed person to get "cigarette smoking"; the whole thing would have been almost perfect if only you had put that "s" somewhere else.  :) 


Not really. But I do appreciate the question, which,

I think, means you are wondering if the first thing that comes to mind when trying to translate it is actually right.  I'm sure a bit more digging will lead you to the right answer. 

多谢细致有质量点评。 望以后仍能不吝赐教。