千山云气雨随风, 春陌楼台花色朦。 月下曲溪笙笛寂, 青衫忆昔小桥东
Clouds, air and rain were floating with wind over thousands of mountains,
which hazyed the little spring path, the pagoda and the beatutiful flowers.
Under the moon, beside a curly creek, intrigged by the sound of a longly flute,
a gent in blue stopped at the east of the little bridge recollecting his past.
Clouds, air and rain were floating with wind over thousands of mountains,
which hazyed the little spring path, the pagoda and the beatutiful flowers.
Under the moon, beside a curly creek, intrigged by the sound of a longly flute,
a gent in blue stopped at the east of the little bridge recollecting his past.