Rhyme is passion that warms my heart. Reason is logic that cools my head. Thanks to a spark of inspiration, my head and heart agree that it is time for rhyme and reason to come together. Instantly, words start dancing on my iPhone to an invisible sweetbug's sweet tune. 七律:心底黃河 致谢甜虫虫文友不吝朗读英语拙作 “Nature is a Sculptor”(E外桃源活动) 萬里黃河心底清,浮槎入夜出西京。 古今迷夢開眸破,左右真緣合掌成。 兩岸無燈仙掛月,九州孤影客依晴。 東方未曉何方曉?仰摘當頭太白庚。 (平水韻下平八庚) 小江“不薄今人爱古人”(杜甫),拙作七律用典数处,简释如下: “浮槎”,隐喻“道不行,乘桴浮于海。”(孔子)意即宁可自我放逐,亦不愿同流合污。 “西京”,泛指关中,关中又称帝王州(金陵,今南京,亦有帝王州之誉)。 “太白庚”,即金星,古称啓明,顾名思义,啓导新晓。 对格律诗词有兴趣者,以下可供参考,否则略之。 小江采平水韵,爱其平上去入四声分明。“中华新韵”虽有四声,实得平上去三声,缺入声。粤语较近唐声,具四声九韵,所以粤人倾向平水韵,北方人多择“新韵“。小江国粤双语兼用。写格律诗词则盖从平水韵。 韵式(基本法则:一三五不论,二四六分明),不得“孤平”(除非拗救或每句第一个字)。 仄仄平平平仄平,平平仄仄仄平平。 仄平平仄平平仄,仄仄平平仄仄平。 仄仄平平平仄仄,仄平平仄仄平平。 平平仄仄平平仄?仄仄平平仄仄平。 句法(Meters) ;忌“四法同一”(即连续四句同一句法)。 2-2-2-1,2-2-1-2。 2-2-2-1,2-2-2-1。 2-2-1-2,2-2-1-2。 2-2-2-1,2-2-2-1。 对仗:颔颈联必须对仗。(颔联,即第三、四句;颈联即第四、五句。) 押韵:宜用同一韵部(如庚韵);不可连韵,即毗邻韵脚不得同声互押(如明、鸣);又,所有韵脚不宜全属阳平声,否则偏于低沉,有欠铿锵。(普通话第一声,为阴平,如“京”;第二声,为阳平,如“成”。) —— 颺 甜虫虫朗读:
“Nature is a Sculptor” by Lingyang Jiang
Nature is a sculptor, an invisible sculptor whose works of art are everywhere to be seen.
Nature is a perfectionist, neither afraid nor tired of going back to the drawing board.
Moving heaven and earth, ever so slowly but surely, nature is still working hard to make the Grand Canyon more unique and more perfect every second, every minute, every hour, every day...
Naturally endowed, the Grand Canyon is alive and breathing. Its heart is beating if you care to listen to the wind. Its soul is soaring if you care to catch the sight of an uplifting condor. Before we know it, we have already merged into the picturesque landscape.
The Grand Canyon lets its grandeur live with us, in us.
With us, the Grand Canyon is a rugged beauty we are proud to date.
In us, the Grand Canyon has American grit and grace we strive to match.
There is no way we will part with the Grand Canyon.
The Grand Canyon is part of who we are no matter where we are.
I feel extremely honored to have you write a tribute to me! That's something very speical to me! Do I deserve that? :) I only read something I really enjoyed, and in return, I got so much! You're so sweet and gracious!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful work here! I really enjoyed them a lot!
“Nature is a Sculptor” by Lingyang Jiang
Nature is a sculptor, an invisible sculptor whose works of art are everywhere to be seen.
Nature is a perfectionist, neither afraid nor tired of going back to the drawing board.
Moving heaven and earth, ever so slowly but surely, nature is still working hard to make the Grand Canyon more unique and more perfect every second, every minute, every hour, every day...
Naturally endowed, the Grand Canyon is alive and breathing. Its heart is beating if you care to listen to the wind. Its soul is soaring if you care to catch the sight of an uplifting condor. Before we know it, we have already merged into the picturesque landscape.
The Grand Canyon lets its grandeur live with us, in us.
With us, the Grand Canyon is a rugged beauty we are proud to date.
In us, the Grand Canyon has American grit and grace we strive to match.
There is no way we will part with the Grand Canyon.
The Grand Canyon is part of who we are no matter where we are.
句法(Meters) ;忌“四法同一”(即连续四句同一句法)。 2-2-2-1,2-2-1-2。 2-2-2-1,2-2-2-1。 2-2-1-2,2-2-1-2。 2-2-2-1,2-2-2-1。 请教一下,这是什么意思?我还没注意过。。
I feel extremely honored to have you write a tribute to me! That's something very speical to me! Do I deserve that? :) I only read something I really enjoyed, and in return, I got so much! You're so sweet and gracious!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful work here! I really enjoyed them a lot!
And sweetbug needs to create more sweet tunes!:))
My day didn't start well, but ends nicely thanks to you!
You're truly a kind and humble guy!