【MyStoryMySpeech】Winning a Traffic Violation Lawsuit in USA

楼主 (文学城)

Instead of posting my speech, I post an American classics song entitled 《Memory》I sang a few months ago, because I sing a little bit better than I speak.

I once won a traffic violation lawsuit in a US court, which is the story I want to share with you today.

One night in the winter of 2010, a young policeman stopped me when I was driving on a road in a suburban area and accused me of crossing a red light. When he gave me a traffic ticket, he refused to listen to my explanation. I felt very frustrated because I was sure I didn't drive through the red light. Without a second thought, I decided to go to court to defend myself, even though I was fully aware of the fact that my chances of winning the case were very slim due to a few facts: First, there wasn't a camera installed at the scene of the incident, so I couldn't find any evidence to support my defense; secondly, there wasn't a witness in the incident because I was driving alone; third, I never had the experience of defending myself or others in court. Before going to court, I sketched a map on a large piece of paper showing the road condition of the incident and fully prepared myself for the defense in court.

A few weeks later, I went to court at the time as the police scheduled in my traffic ticket. It was very busy that day and the court was crowded with people. It was almost noon time when my turn came. The judge was a slim and tall gentleman in his sixties. He first asked the police to give a brief introduction to the case, and then asked him which lane his car was on when the incident happened. However, the police didn’t remember which lane his car was on then. Subsequently, the judge asked me to defend the case. First of all, I thanked the judge for giving me this opportunity. Then, I showed the map I sketched, explained the road conditions, and described what happened in the incident:

“At the time of the incident, I was driving my car on the left lane of a two-lane road, while a police car was travelling in the same direction on the right lane about 30 yards ahead of me. Before I got to an intersection, the traffic light turned red, so I stopped my car in front of the red light and side-by-side to the police car on my right. At this time, I noticed that the police officer turned on the light inside his car and he seemed to be looking at some things. After the traffic light turned green, I drove my car earlier than he did. A few seconds later, I heard the siren and the police’s voice from the microphone asking me to stop my car on the roadside. Then the police approached my car, accused me of crossing the red light and gave me a traffic ticket.”

In the end, I concluded my defense with the following statement:

“I was very sure that I started to drive my car only after the traffic light turned green. I have no doubt that the police officer was dutiful and responsible, however, he might occasionally make a wrong judgement due to some distractions. In this incident, he was reading or doing other things in his car before the light turned green, and therefore he didn't notice that the traffic light had already turned green before I drove.”

After listening to my defense, the judge asked the police whether he had further arguments to make, but he didn’t and remained silent. Then the judge made his verdict and announced: “The case is dismissed”. Afterwards, I expressed my gratitude to the judge for making the verdict in my favor. Thanks to the god, I finally won the lawsuit!

I absolutely love this song and

admire your ability to stand up for yourself!!

You did a great job :D
I love this song too from "Cats", and I love your story more.

You have the ability to describe something in very detail and with a logical structure.  I guess you have engineering background.  Your writing is easy to understand with a clear cronological order.  Your words of choosing are simple without fancy or complicated expressions.  You showed your honesty and sincere attitude at court, together with the policeman's carelessness, you won the judge and of course the case.  I like your way of sketching a map used at court, and I've seen other people doing the same.

Congratulations on the win!

Excellent! Ur good English communication skills and presentation

Excellent! Ur good English communication skills and presentation help u win the lawsuit! 

Nice singing!


Glad that you love this song too. Thank you!
Lily, Thank you for your compliment!
Thank you for your positive comments and glad that you love the

Thank you for your positive comments and glad that you love this song too. With the engineering background, I get used to the special style in writting technical documentations clearly and concisely. I read news on a daily basis, however, I almost don't read and write the literatures/poems, etc in English. 

Thank you for your encouragement! This is a good opportunity for

Thank you for your encouragement! This is a good opportunity for me to refresh my memory!

great! traffic court is a joke, any minor, as long as you agree

the prosecutor would approach you at first and ask you to agree  to plead guity.

he would appeal to the court on your hehalf, request 50% fine discount with no demerit point as long as you agree to plead guity, and the judge will certain approve it, what a game they play everyday. 


most people would pay and walk away and worry free 不论他们是否真的有罪,只要认罪就好,,,,




BTW,经典好唱好听, 我怎么也学不了这样的歌,只能学流行了
You are modest! You sing much better than I do.
I would pay not only the traffic violation penalty but also extr

I would pay not only the traffic violation penalty but also extra fee for going to the court if I lose the lawsuit. Majority of people don't want to take the risk and just pay the penalty to close the case. 

WTG. Your confidence won that poor cop.
the cop is 2 ridiculous, 2 obvious, you 2 stop side by side..
Thanks! I was lucky!
I think that the cop is a racist ...

I think that the cop is a racist because he also charged about 10 other drivers who don't look like white American on the traffic court. He should know that I didn't drive through the red light. As my strategy to win the lawsuit, I could only say that the cop made a wrong judgement that day. As far as I knew, I was the only one winning the lawsuit that day as I had been waiting inside the court all the time.

Is this the song from the phantom of the opera?

Thank you for sharing it

oh I see it’s from cats anyway they all composed by Webber

love all his musicals. Thank you!

The song is also called Cats song because it was written for the

The song is also called Cats song because it was written for the 1981 musical Cats.
Please read the introduction to the song at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_(Cats_song) 

you are a singing star. A good experience on court
I would choose to fight in such situation. Good job!
Thank you for reading my post and listening the song.
Thanks for reading my post!
老师的英文歌唱的很好听!good writing skills too!
Bravo, well done!! 歌也很好听!!圣诞节快乐!!
Thanks for your compliment! Merry Christmas!
Thanks moiausis! Merry Christmas!
Thanks for your compliment! Merry Christmas!
Thank you for your compliment! I still remember your animated p

Thank you for your compliment! I still remember your animated photos.

恭喜芙蓉里。首页进来,谢谢网管,圣诞MSMS“winning a lawsuit in US”挂首成功:)
Thank you so much! Merry Christmas!
It came with comma splice, a type of run-on sentence. ?

"I have no doubt that the police officer was dutiful and responsible, however, he might occasionally make a wrong judgement due to some distractions. " It came with comma splice, a type of run-on sentence. 

Thank you for your comment. The comma after "however" can be ...

Thank you for your comment. The comma after "however" can be removed.
This sentence can also be changed as follows:
I have no doubt that the police officer was dutiful and responsible. Even so, he might occasionally make a wrong judgement due to some distractions.