The first week of my arrival at this foreign land, I was settled and ready for whatever the future may hold for me. But first thing first I need to let my folks back home know. At the time, airmail was still the most cost effective way for such glorious task.
So I walked into a post office, told the guy behind the counter that I needed a stamp for international letter post. He pointed to a stamp and said that is it. I was happy that I had the exact change. So I passed the coins to him for my stamp. A moment of silence ensued. My expecting eyes met his equally expecting eyes. Then he must have realised something and gingerly put it,
"Urm, the tax?"
"Urm, the what?"
Then it dawned on me, the sales tax.
That day, for the first time in my life, I became a tax payer, de facto
Something you'll remember forever huh? :) we do have
taxes in China too, but they're blended in the final price . I actually prefer it that way, at least I don't need a calculator to find out how much I have to pay at the end.
The first week of my arrival at this foreign land, I was settled and ready for whatever the future may hold for me. But first thing first I need to let my folks back home know. At the time, airmail was still the most cost effective way for such glorious task.
So I walked into a post office, told the guy behind the counter that I needed a stamp for international letter post. He pointed to a stamp and said that is it. I was happy that I had the exact change. So I passed the coins to him for my stamp. A moment of silence ensued. My expecting eyes met his equally expecting eyes. Then he must have realised something and gingerly put it,
"Urm, the tax?"
"Urm, the what?"
Then it dawned on me, the sales tax.
That day, for the first time in my life, I became a tax payer, de facto
taxes in China too, but they're blended in the final price . I actually prefer it that way, at least I don't need a calculator to find out how much I have to pay at the end.