it will be saved as a xxx.mp4 file. That xxx is the file name you need. It's a unique number called UID :)
1,在配音秀里, 打开视频, 点击分享,选择复制链接
3,在视频区点击鼠标右键,选择Inspect, 会看到右边出现Source code
4, 在source Code 里找到Video element, copy and past it to Notepad or something similar. For example, mine looks like this:
<video id="showplayer_a1" poster="http://img7.peiyinxiu.com/201610150405a53416ea0c4c94b0.jpg" webkit-playsinline="" controls="" playsinline=""> <source src="http://video7.peiyinxiu.com/film/202007110208521410f9_f_161260811.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <p>你的浏览器不支持视频播放,请下载播放,<a href="http://video7.peiyinxiu.com/film/202007110208521410f9_f_161260811.mp4">点击下载</a>。 </p></video>
You can find the links for both the mp4 file and the cover picture file.
it will be saved as a xxx.mp4 file. That xxx is the file name you need. It's a unique number called UID :)
1,在配音秀里, 打开视频, 点击分享,选择复制链接
3,在视频区点击鼠标右键,选择Inspect, 会看到右边出现Source code
4, 在source Code 里找到Video element, copy and past it to Notepad or something similar. For example, mine looks like this:
<video id="showplayer_a1"
poster="http://img7.peiyinxiu.com/201610150405a53416ea0c4c94b0.jpg" webkit-playsinline="" controls="" playsinline="">
<source src="http://video7.peiyinxiu.com/film/202007110208521410f9_f_161260811.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<p>你的浏览器不支持视频播放,请下载播放,<a href="http://video7.peiyinxiu.com/film/202007110208521410f9_f_161260811.mp4">点击下载</a>。
You can find the links for both the mp4 file and the cover picture file.