Let's take an example, say you want to buy NVDA at 100, that will require 10K investment (let's assume NVDA is 100 now).
If you buy 12 month out leap with strike price of 50, you may pay $60 per contract. So, you invest 6k for an equivalent of 100 shares of NVDA with strike price at 50
If NVDA really crashes and goes all the way to 20 next year, you would lose 8K if you hold stock, but only 6K if you buy leap.
If NVDA goes to 200 instead, you would make 10K if holding stock, and 9K if you buy leap (because your option is worth $150 when NVDA is 200)
这笔VZ交易是盲跟三心大侠的推荐 (进出都是)~ 赚钱了,再次鸣谢!
如果用正股交易,一个半月的盈利约17%;我用的是Deep ITM call (2026/03/20 C20),同一时段交易,获利高于25%。
当然,如果误判股价方向,用option也会放大亏损 ~ YMYD
前几个月大家在说佩婆leap的时候,我都不知道什么是leap. 还算有进步哈。
这种ask/ bid spread比正股的大些
俺没有看不起。 俺辛苦工作这么多年,俺的总资产还没有你们一年赚的多,惭愧
至少对于我来说,好奇学习一下期权也没什么不好的 (也许就像您说的当年都试过学过), 就是我这实在学不会也不敢去用而已。
大嫂,你想喝点啥? 有白开 和 老白干 ...
买了几个leap. 他还跟贴说你们把期权当赌场了, 应该买正股更好
你看你看, 特斯拉大跌了,叫你涨了卖掉不卖, 你又空欢喜了吧。
Let's take an example, say you want to buy NVDA at 100, that will require 10K investment (let's assume NVDA is 100 now).
If you buy 12 month out leap with strike price of 50, you may pay $60 per contract. So, you invest 6k for an equivalent of 100 shares of NVDA with strike price at 50
If NVDA really crashes and goes all the way to 20 next year, you would lose 8K if you hold stock, but only 6K if you buy leap.
If NVDA goes to 200 instead, you would make 10K if holding stock, and 9K if you buy leap (because your option is worth $150 when NVDA is 200)
I would buy QQQ deep ITM leap instead
TQQQ is subject to decay, ie, it will lose value when stock price moves down and comes back to its original value.
Deep ITM leap is not subject to this at all
我去年Q1完全没料到pltr会半年多内 1)上天; 2)To Da Moon
全被38/40 call走了
只有同贫贱的命,没能共富贵啊 !
效果是类似的 ~ 都是错过了一笔小财。
很感恩坛里有三心,越王等愿意分享的高手, 也喜欢和亮线,你,还有勇MM等大气的好网友一起聊天学习
人云亦云,很多人一听到 option 就觉得是赌博,没有自己的真实体验。option 的灵活度是股票不能比的,可以实现你对市场的任何观点。