2:但是如果指数在200D 均线上, 或者5800-5900区间受阻,并且从这里快速跌回上周低点,那我们大概率会走scenario 2 (图中的红线)。Scenario 2 的底现在无法估计, 但我上星期提到,我会把这个scenario 当做major top is in, until proved otherwise 来处理。
Once index hit this range, plan to exit and lock the profit from all short trade positions/options accumulated over last week or so, and start adding hedge protection for main portfolio.
I want market to prove itself that it will go blue route, and add positions when it pulls back on blue B
接下来的1-2周很关健。无论市场接下来走scenario 1 还是scenario 2, 我估计首先SPX/QQQ 至少会摸到200D均线。但是
1: 如果市场要走scenario 1, 指数的A浪发弹(蓝色A)需要突破200D 到 50D 均线的区间: 5800-5900, 然后摸到6000点附近。如果能走成这样,可以期待一个B浪修正(蓝色B),但这个B其实是可以继续加仓的
2:但是如果指数在200D 均线上, 或者5800-5900区间受阻,并且从这里快速跌回上周低点,那我们大概率会走scenario 2 (图中的红线)。Scenario 2 的底现在无法估计, 但我上星期提到,我会把这个scenario 当做major top is in, until proved otherwise 来处理。
Once index hit this range, plan to exit and lock the profit from all short trade positions/options accumulated over last week or so, and start adding hedge protection for main portfolio.
I want market to prove itself that it will go blue route, and add positions when it pulls back on blue B
Add on position at any dip of the market until market turns to downside