The AEA states that it can only be invoked when there is a war with or an invasion by a foreign government or nation. It allows the president to order all citizens of that foreign nation who are not naturalized in the U.S. to be arrested and removed "as alien enemies."
Trump invokes 18th century law, declaring ‘invasion’ by gangs to speed mass deportations
“Over the years, Venezuelan national and local authorities have ceded ever-greater control over their territories to transnational criminal organizations, including TdA,” Trump’s statement reads. “The result is a hybrid criminal state that is perpetrating an invasion of and predatory incursion into the United States, and which poses a substantial danger to the United States.”
这里更具体一点。Tda ,Tren de Ara, 是 Venezuelan organized crime group
“I proclaim that all Venezuelan citizens 14 years of age or older who are members of TdA, are within the United States, and are not actually naturalized or lawful permanent residents of the United States are liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured, and removed as Alien Enemies,” the invocation on the White House site states.
TRUMP 刚启用 Alien Enemies Act 驱赶非公民 ,不管合法居留与否。
The AEA states that it can only be invoked when there is a war with or an invasion by a foreign government or nation. It allows the president to order all citizens of that foreign nation who are not naturalized in the U.S. to be arrested and removed "as alien enemies."
这个本应战时才能用的法,和平时代也被用上。 而且是没有跟美国开战的国家。
ABC和Fox都有报道,上油管上去搜 President Trump invokes wartime Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to speed up deportations。
Trump invokes 18th century law, declaring ‘invasion’ by gangs to speed mass deportations“Over the years, Venezuelan national and local authorities have ceded ever-greater control over their territories to transnational criminal organizations, including TdA,” Trump’s statement reads. “The result is a hybrid criminal state that is perpetrating an invasion of and predatory incursion into the United States, and which poses a substantial danger to the United States.”
“I proclaim that all Venezuelan citizens 14 years of age or older who are members of TdA, are within the United States, and are not actually naturalized or lawful permanent residents of the United States are liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured, and removed as Alien Enemies,” the invocation on the White House site states.
法庭文件显示,美国公民自由联盟代表五名原告,该组织认为这些原告已被转移到德克萨斯州的拘留中心,这些拘留中心旨在“根据《美国原子能法》遣送委内瑞拉男子”。五名原告中有四人被指控为 Tren de Aragua 组织的成员。
美国政府试图驱逐一名绿卡持有者,发生了什么? 哈利勒没有面临任何刑事指控,驱逐出境程序属于民事范畴而非刑事范畴。在逮捕哈利勒并试图将他驱逐出美国的过程中,鲁比奥依据的是1952年《移民与国民法》中的一项条款,该条款赋予他驱逐外国人的广泛权力。 该条款规定,任何“国务卿有合理理由相信其在美国的存在或活动可能对美国的外交政策造成严重不利后果的外国人,均可被驱逐出境”。 据知情人士透露,政府认为鲁比奥之所以能够援引这一条款驱逐哈利勒的理由是,美国的外交政策是在世界各地打击反犹。知情人士说,哈利勒身在美国会破坏这一目标,因为他帮助领导的抗议活动是反犹主义的,并为犹太学生营造了一个充满敌意的环境。 特朗普总统的边境事务负责人托马斯·霍曼周三在奥尔巴尼对记者发表讲话时也呼应了其中的一些理由。他称哈利勒是“国家安全威胁”。 “如果你在大学校园里散发煽动暴力的传单,那是违法的,”霍曼说。“持有签证或居留卡在这个国家是一种优待,你必须遵守某些规定。” 在周二的新闻发布会上,白宫新闻秘书卡罗琳·莱维特指责哈利勒“站在恐怖分子一边”。她断言,哈利勒领导的哥伦比亚大学抗议活动中出现了带有哈马斯标志的“亲哈马斯宣传单”。 她拒绝与记者分享所谓的传单,称这样做会损害白宫简报室的尊严,而且没有提供证据表明哈利勒制作或分发过任何传单。 官员们也没有指控哈利勒与哈马斯有任何联系、曾接受哈马斯的指示或向哈马斯提供实质性的支持。 因为合法永久居民受到宪法的保护——包括第一修正案的言论自由权利和第五修正案的正当程序权利——此案似乎很可能对该法规——至少对于本案的适用——是否合宪构成重大考验。