而且还有继续跌的趋势,可能会跌破breakeven点,这种情况怎么办?是买当前价strike的put来cap损失,还是关掉整个ratio put spread或者往下继续roll来止损?还有情况就是如果当前ratio put spread盈利50%, 你会往下继续roll用来赚下一个ratio put spread吗?我是第一次做ratio put spread, 想搞清楚各种情况应对策略,未雨绸缪。多谢指教哈!
Of course there are other ways to cut loss and not owning stock. But too many "if-else" will cloud your judgement. If not comfortable of owning a stock at a lower price, this strategy should not be used
越宽的spread,不仅max gain potential更高, 而且break even point也可以更远,在急跌的时候可以很安心。不过缺点就是open时收的premium会少很多。 It is a tradeoff you have to make when you decide to open a position.
If you are worried now, you can roll one of the short leg to next month (or weeks), and lower down strike a little bit. This will give you more breathing room, and a better BE point.
而且还有继续跌的趋势,可能会跌破breakeven点,这种情况怎么办?是买当前价strike的put来cap损失,还是关掉整个ratio put spread或者往下继续roll来止损?还有情况就是如果当前ratio put spread盈利50%, 你会往下继续roll用来赚下一个ratio put spread吗?我是第一次做ratio put spread, 想搞清楚各种情况应对策略,未雨绸缪。多谢指教哈!
Of course there are other ways to cut loss and not owning stock. But too many "if-else" will cloud your judgement. If not comfortable of owning a stock at a lower price, this strategy should not be used
If you worry about this, just buy normal stocks and set stop loss. Try not to use complicated option strategy
put strike gives quite some cushion for a much lower cost. I think predicting the stock does not go much lower is the key.
越宽的spread,不仅max gain potential更高, 而且break even point也可以更远,在急跌的时候可以很安心。不过缺点就是open时收的premium会少很多。 It is a tradeoff you have to make when you decide to open a position.
If you are worried now, you can roll one of the short leg to next month (or weeks), and lower down strike a little bit. This will give you more breathing room, and a better BE point.
上面三心和任静锅说的挺好,刚开仓时就要对worst case有足够的心理准备,并做好风控。 在开仓时,一定要在脑子里过一遍P&L图,估算一下亏损区间和概率,问自己max loss是不是能接受的。