Accidentally MISPLACED DOUBLE digits BILLIONS last year,
and did not pass an audit for at least the past 4 years
There is no way that DOGE is not coming...
That's why the demo is trying to delay one week the confirmation of the top 3 important picks by Trump, and the media is targeting the young Doge employee "The Big Ball" but failed.
There is no change. It just takes time.
and did not pass an audit for at least the past 4 years
There is no way that DOGE is not coming...
That's why the demo is trying to delay one week the confirmation of the top 3 important picks by Trump, and the media is targeting the young Doge employee "The Big Ball" but failed.
砍国际开发署是砍左派的肥肉不难, 砍国防开支可是动共和党的奶酪。 知道为什么那么些共和党建制派是Never Trumper了吗?
基本全球主媒体包括BBC, 都被USAID用TAXPAYER's dollars 买来做 政客的MOUTH PIECE. 程度惊人。
CBS要赔到倒闭。 ABC已经写了支票给TRUMP, 我读到的是包括一笔15米的CASH,专款用于TRUMP将来建LIBRARY。
O8 的LIBRARY是建筑时间拖的最长的, 到目前陷在他自己DEI hire的官司中, 亚麻的光头原来说捐3亿, 没有全部到位, 光头最近不理08了, 借口是08 太傲慢。 也许等时机对了,可以入AMAZON。凡支持DEI hire( 比如GOOGLE) 和彩虹(比如APPLE)当道, 员工不可能有动力创新, 人性所致。。。
包括路透, NYT, NPR,Atlantic, 毫无媒体应有的ETHIC。然后花街再利用散户没有看明白今天的媒体已非过去的媒体,MM 再manipulate一下, 丢钱的是谁?
想想为啥光头要买WP? 马云也要买媒体?