"If we stay on the road we are on right now, in less than 10 years, virtually everything that matters to us in life will depend on whether China allows us to have it or not.
Everything from blood pressure medicine to what movies we get to watch, and everything in between. They dominate the critical mineral industry. Even those who want more EVs—those batteries depend on China.
If we don't change course, we will live in a world where much of what matters on a daily basis, from our security to our health, will be dependent on whether the Chinese allow us to have it or not."
US Secretary of State nominee Marco Rubio says in less than 10 years China will rule everything.
"If we stay on the road we are on right now, in less than 10 years, virtually everything that matters to us in life will depend on whether China allows us to have it or not.… pic.twitter.com/0uSg66Uef5
The term "soft power" was coined by American political scientist Joseph Nye in the late 1980s. He introduced it in his 1990 book "Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power" and expanded on it in later works, such as "Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics" (2004).
Soft power refers to a nation's ability to influence others through cultural appeal, values, and policies rather than coercion or force (often referred to as "hard power"). It emphasizes attraction and persuasion over compulsion.
While the concept has been widely discussed and adopted globally—including by China in its efforts to enhance its international influence through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative and Confucius Institutes—the term itself originated in the United States.
每年美国食物中毒有4800万例,导致12万人住院,3000人死亡。 https://www.foodsafety.gov/food-poisoning
下去,各地游玩的。 从铁路两旁看不出是个硬实力国家,城区附近停工的大楼或者盖好了没人住的大楼。 农村地区荒芜的土地,破烂的房屋,但是比飞机上看巴西的房子好一点。20多年前见过巴西的房子好多没有屋顶。
高铁这一条线本应该是中国最富饶的地区。 也许硬实力需要保密,藏起来在人们看不到的地方了。
产量不上去,单价就贵。 公司是为了不赚钱?
中国律师多如牛毛,同样是一个非常卷的market, 律师费一跌再跌。
但不能要求别国必须如何如何,遵守它定的规矩。 而自己却可以完全抛开那些规矩,想要什么就什么
"If we stay on the road we are on right now, in less than 10 years, virtually everything that matters to us in life will depend on whether China allows us to have it or not.
Everything from blood pressure medicine to what movies we get to watch, and everything in between. They dominate the critical mineral industry. Even those who want more EVs—those batteries depend on China.
If we don't change course, we will live in a world where much of what matters on a daily basis, from our security to our health, will be dependent on whether the Chinese allow us to have it or not."
另外房贷2.8~3.25% 30年Fixed,真是天上白掉下来的耗子,不抓白不抓, 不赚白不赚。
The term "soft power" was coined by American political scientist Joseph Nye in the late 1980s. He introduced it in his 1990 book "Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power" and expanded on it in later works, such as "Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics" (2004).
Soft power refers to a nation's ability to influence others through cultural appeal, values, and policies rather than coercion or force (often referred to as "hard power"). It emphasizes attraction and persuasion over compulsion.
While the concept has been widely discussed and adopted globally—including by China in its efforts to enhance its international influence through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative and Confucius Institutes—the term itself originated in the United States.