The tenant in unit #1 has requested to terminate her lease early without penalty and is seeking $10,000 in compensation. She claims there is a rodent infestation, but I believe there may have been negligence on her part. When we addressed her pest control concerns promptly, she then claimed there was mold in her unit. We have investigated her mold claims multiple times and found no evidence of an issue. We did, however, identify a need to repair a separated panel wall by her front door. I will keep you updated on the progress of that repair. The tenant has mentioned having an attorney, but I have not yet been contacted by them. In my experience, this is often a tactic that doesn't lead to further action. However, we are prepared to defend against any potential legal action, and I'm confident that we've taken all necessary steps to protect the owner's interests. It's possible that this tenant may break her lease or choose not to renew.
这个房子我们4月份全新拆掉墙重新remodeling,状况和新房一样好,不应该有什么问题,我个人的想法是让她break lease走,怕她影响其他房客,但是又得防她后面继续敲诈。
The tenant in unit #1 has requested to terminate her lease early without penalty and is seeking $10,000 in compensation. She claims there is a rodent infestation, but I believe there may have been negligence on her part. When we addressed her pest control concerns promptly, she then claimed there was mold in her unit. We have investigated her mold claims multiple times and found no evidence of an issue. We did, however, identify a need to repair a separated panel wall by her front door. I will keep you updated on the progress of that repair. The tenant has mentioned having an attorney, but I have not yet been contacted by them. In my experience, this is often a tactic that doesn't lead to further action. However, we are prepared to defend against any potential legal action, and I'm confident that we've taken all necessary steps to protect the owner's interests. It's possible that this tenant may break her lease or choose not to renew.They are bluffing. But you do need to have a lawyer for such situations.
the maintenance has been done immediately in my part whenever you reported an issue.
其实不用多说, 废话越多, 麻烦越多。
虽然有管理公司,你在这种情况下也应该盯得紧一点,比如pest control 和mold claims 看看PM是怎么处理的,什么时候请的服务,花了多少钱(这个你应该知道吧),如果都表现及时,并且有正儿八经的报告,那你怕啥,让房客来告好了,99%都是雷声大雨点没。
5个家庭的房租收入都快被各种maintenance fee给东扣西扣快扣光了。