the current QQQ movement is more like bullish wolfe wave
look at the wave 1 and 2, 3 and 4 are so symmetric, and the time interval catch the rythem,
The waves must cycle at a consistent time interval. The third and fourth waves must stay within the channel created by the first and second waves. The third and fourth waves must show symmetry with the first and second waves.
这是QQQ现在的图,原来的设想是 (图中点位不准只是为了说明趋势)
1: 大概率我们会走蓝线ABC
2: 小概率我们会走V形反转,(黄色的5浪)
QQQ这2-3天的形势是举棋不定,如果说它走蓝线把,昨天的反弹太高了。 如果说它走黄线把,今天又走到的黄色2浪的极限。
所以我现在按兵不动, 保留Hedge,等市场震荡出个方向再行动
我只知道一月will be very choppy.
look at the wave 1 and 2, 3 and 4 are so symmetric, and the time interval catch the rythem,
主要是怕画出来太复杂了。You are spot on, 如果我们走3角,有可能按你说的走ABCDE。这就是为什么现在我看不清的原因。
这个有 猛牛TM,咱们能不能想一个别的 ?