Cash can be put into money market fund for more than 4% right now. Would be more than 64% return in less than 2 years if Tesla is more than $450 on December, 2026. Enough margin to avoid margin call if it drops to $100. Break even if it drops to $204. Also some diversification in the portofolio for extra margin.
这两年牛市收益不错。策略是买股票然后卖call和put。所以加入了一些扛杆。股票下跌可展期put若股票上涨可展期call。主要操作了四支股票(Tesla, PLTR, CRWD, ROKU)来分散风险。今年打算用 MAGS 做标底。这个方法分享绤胆大的人。但有Majin call的风险。不过撑住了Tesla从四百多掉到一百多的压力。但心有余悸。
Cash can be put into money market fund for more than 4% right now. Would be more than 64% return in less than 2 years if Tesla is more than $450 on December, 2026. Enough margin to avoid margin call if it drops to $100. Break even if it drops to $204. Also some diversification in the portofolio for extra margin.