请问各位大佬,现手头有比较大仓位的增长型股票(大概几个米),最近借AI的炒作增长不错,但并不是AI的主流,不长期看好。同时出于资金安全性和仓位的平衡,希望能逐渐出手,转成SP500类的index ETF。 该股票目前基本都是大量的long term capital gain。 请问有什么好的省税策略吗?目前投资的potfolio也基本没有loss, 所以也没办法做tax harvest。先谢谢大家!
你可以考虑立即sell 1/4 position with 3个月 的 ATM covered call。 比如说March/2025 450 的 covered call。现在大概$65.
1: If TSLA continues to rise, your shares will be called, and you basically sell them for 515 in 2025
2: If TSLA drops back to 400, you sell March 2025 400 put (which will be roughly $45).
2.a --- If TSLA then bounce from 400 and back to ATH, you essentially will be selling your shares for 560 (450 + $65 call premium + $45 put premium)
2.b --- If TSLA continues to drop, you will be buying 1/4 more position of TSLA at 290.
In all these scenarios, you are better off than selling Tesla at 450 today, provided that you are ok with adding more shares at 290.
Exchange Funds: One Way to Reduce Concentrated Stock Risk - NerdWallet
我的券商是etrade,我去问问。 如果不行,我也可以看看fidelity有没有类似的服务。
以前从来没有碰过option, 看上去是个不错的strategy。 我先算一下现在的现金流情况,因为有补仓的可能性。
1. Sell stock (might spread to multi-year if needed)
2. Hedging with option (floor and/or collar)
3. Moneytize: private forward contract (PVF aggreement)
4. Borrow and diversify (on margin)
5. Exchange funds (LP), defer paying capital gain tax on money contributed and shares received to 7 years later
6. Donate to charity (CRT and CLT), private foundation
如果这是401K里的雇主公司的股票,可以 search net unrealized appreciation on youtube
请问各位大佬,现手头有比较大仓位的增长型股票(大概几个米),最近借AI的炒作增长不错,但并不是AI的主流,不长期看好。同时出于资金安全性和仓位的平衡,希望能逐渐出手,转成SP500类的index ETF。 该股票目前基本都是大量的long term capital gain。 请问有什么好的省税策略吗?目前投资的potfolio也基本没有loss, 所以也没办法做tax harvest。先谢谢大家!
你可以考虑立即sell 1/4 position with 3个月 的 ATM covered call。 比如说March/2025 450 的 covered call。现在大概$65.
1: If TSLA continues to rise, your shares will be called, and you basically sell them for 515 in 2025
2: If TSLA drops back to 400, you sell March 2025 400 put (which will be roughly $45).
2.a --- If TSLA then bounce from 400 and back to ATH, you essentially will be selling your shares for 560 (450 + $65 call premium + $45 put premium)
2.b --- If TSLA continues to drop, you will be buying 1/4 more position of TSLA at 290.
In all these scenarios, you are better off than selling Tesla at 450 today, provided that you are ok with adding more shares at 290.
Exchange Funds: One Way to Reduce Concentrated Stock Risk - NerdWallet
我的券商是etrade,我去问问。 如果不行,我也可以看看fidelity有没有类似的服务。
以前从来没有碰过option, 看上去是个不错的strategy。 我先算一下现在的现金流情况,因为有补仓的可能性。
1. Sell stock (might spread to multi-year if needed)
2. Hedging with option (floor and/or collar)
3. Moneytize: private forward contract (PVF aggreement)
4. Borrow and diversify (on margin)
5. Exchange funds (LP), defer paying capital gain tax on money contributed and shares received to 7 years later
6. Donate to charity (CRT and CLT), private foundation
如果这是401K里的雇主公司的股票,可以 search net unrealized appreciation on youtube