might be a bad idea, no reason to divorce simply because
they have different investment strategy.
My wife like to do high risk day trading with options and future. she trade vix and LNG. her style is probably more like the trading style of your husband.
"我跟他吵架好几次了"--don't argue, I copy and paste good post from
big players in this forum and make a power point periodically, then present to the desk of my wife, discuss with her and make the strategy and plan for my next trade.
many people do day trading or short term trading on this site, tell you husband to try it, no risk at all. if he can do well on paper money trading, he is more likely to do better on real money.
我家老公开始抄股已经好几年了,年年是亏的!我本来是没有抄股的,后来看他把我辛苦赚来的几万块加班费都亏掉了。(而且也不心疼,说就当交学费。)我才开始自己弄了个涨号,不让他用我的钱去买股票!刚开始我也不懂,听别人的买了wish和spce,亏了1万多,今年在大千和这里向你们学了不少东西,在7月份的时候,忍痛卖掉了,到这时候,总算开始赚600多了。而他呢,普通涨号都几乎亏完了,Roth涨号,亏到年前剩2万,到现在只有1万8!他喜欢短抄,而且没有耐心,总是亏着卖掉。但是又不懂得技术分析,买了抄股的书给他看,也不看。叫他每天到大千和这里来看看,他也不感兴趣。我跟他吵架好几次了,他还是不去看书!总是自信满满,说他已经越来越有经验了,明年会赚大钱的!我说如果他不去看书,不去学习,怎么可能赚大钱!看坛里多少已经很牛的人了,还在继续学习别人经验呢!想想我一个弱女子,不但要上班,而且还要加很多的班,还要我去抄股赚钱 。我真气啊!大家有什么办法可以推荐吗?
哪位发财的是T5, T10, T30毕业的,赌徒在赌场发财机会更大些,富贵险中求
wife. My wife focus on TA trading with many indicators, and playing video game every day, and I like to read and study investment every day.
Any way, just a joke for fun
they have different investment strategy.
My wife like to do high risk day trading with options and future. she trade vix and LNG. her style is probably more like the trading style of your husband.
big players in this forum and make a power point periodically, then present to the desk of my wife, discuss with her and make the strategy and plan for my next trade.
many people do day trading or short term trading on this site, tell you husband to try it, no risk at all. if he can do well on paper money trading, he is more likely to do better on real money.