For people who missed PLTR

楼主 (文学城)

PLTR is one good indicator that the second wave of AI is in play.

First wave: Hard ware and infrastructure.

Second wave: Software and infrastructure.

Third wave: Apps. 

First wave is move about NVDA, data center and support. 

Second wave has just started. PLTR took the lead. CRM is not far behind it. Software ETF "IGV" run up so much in the last few weeks. SNOW flake turned around in last quarter.

I think two big companies should have lots of upside: SNOW, ADBE. Those two didn't do well early this year. But I think the sentiment has changed. Catalyst is there. Two major factors for a relatively safe bet for a large position. However, software companies don't have deep defenses like NVDA. Any new software came out would destory the existing one quickly. So keep that in mind when you invest. 



