I went to IBS and KIBS show almost every year, never saw this drawer pull or towel hanger, is it made of pure brass? where did you buy it? it's the style I like.
I know, I personally prefer the solid brass tone, include
door knob, door hinge, door stop, which I use Emtek sold brass only.
I also use RH kitchen pendant with solid brass.
For drawer pulls, different manufactures has different tone though they all are made of solid brass.
For faucet, it's really different story, Kohler has vibrant gold color which is very close to solid brass color despite it's not made of solid brass, other than that, only a few vendors from England has the pure solid brass tone and made of solid brass as well.
秋天的大烟山,这是Anakeesta, the garden on the top of the city Gatlinburg.

最后上几张我的湖边小屋的一个装修。买的这个cottage经过3年时间慢慢装修,全部换和重新设计,基本完成了,还会做一点entry hall paneling 就算完满完工。花费不少但工程队做工很精细,每次都是我们去海岛之后进驻家里来做工。
这是guest bath, floor and showerwall全部是marble, 优缺点以后写文:
Master bath也基本装修完毕,有点装饰在等,下次贴来,供参考。
之前提到硬件设施啥的,都没问题。大烟山尤其是Gatlinburg 地区是以旅游为经济支柱。酒店,餐馆,旅游商业旺区建设都很多。有些地区的建设风格有Orlando Disney 周边配套设施的影子。但当地的人文部分却是我不大喜欢的。旅游服务人员多是当地人,感觉他们比较“闭塞”。在旅游景点,可以明显看出谁是当地人,谁是外来人员。我并非带着有色眼镜去看人,我也在田纳西住过。田纳西有些地方还是相当不错的,比如Brentwood, Nashville 南边一些地区。回到之前的问题上,估计是当地人口素质让我感到不同。这只是个人观点哈
I went to IBS and KIBS show almost every year, never saw this drawer pull or towel hanger, is it made of pure brass? where did you buy it? it's the style I like.
thank you
I tried to match all the gold tone at my home, there are always some variations.
just find it:
door knob, door hinge, door stop, which I use Emtek sold brass only.
I also use RH kitchen pendant with solid brass.
For drawer pulls, different manufactures has different tone though they all are made of solid brass.
For faucet, it's really different story, Kohler has vibrant gold color which is very close to solid brass color despite it's not made of solid brass, other than that, only a few vendors from England has the pure solid brass tone and made of solid brass as well.
根据邻居去年卖价(邻居的价格以前比我们的低):650k (溢价200k)
我们差不多花费300K 彻底翻修改装 (目前成为邻居们的装修样板)
家具如果算的话至少加上80K (都是好家具,有的新,有的cherry wood是原来的,这种房子如果卖都是家具设计一起卖)
保守估计底价:650k+300k+150k=1.1 米+家具
其他花费:Hoa, poa, golf club