Based on historical data, he predict the financial recession cycle has nothing to do with political party. The recession will come from a few month to a year regardless which political party is in the white house.
some comments from the viewers:
"Economic wise, things have never been worse. We are living in economic times worse than any depression/recession. Fantastic video, once again as always.
1930: Average income was $4,887, average monthly rent was $18 a month ($216 a year), average home was $6,000, average new car price was $500. This said, yearly rent was 4.4% of your income, a home was 123% of your income, a car was 10% of your income.
1935 (peak Great Depression): Average income was $1,622, average rent was $27 monthly ($324 a year), average home was $3,900, average new car was $850. This said, yearly rent was 20% of your income, a home was 240% of your income, a new car was 52% of your income.
2009 (peak 2008 Recession): Average income was $50,000, average rent was $486 monthly ($5,832 yearly), average new car was $23,276, a home was $272,900. This said, yearly rent was 12% of your income, a new car was 47% of your income, and a house was 546% of your income.
2024 (current time): Average income is $59,000, average monthly rent is $1,700 ($20,400 annually), average new car price is $48,000, average home price is $415,000. This said, yearly rent is 35% of your income, a home is 703% of your income, and a new car is 81% of your income. "
if there are a lot of chinese poplulation in 1935, maybe
chinese will be the largest landlord this America a century later based on 120% of annual income will buy a house in 1935. we chinese are born to save money and buy properties.
based on my annual income percentile, I might want to go
back and buy a lot of properties., though there might NOT have much entertainment, no iphone, no computer, still,no harm to be owner of UCSD. the famous black beach was sold to UCSD in $1500 only.
"there is a stronger relationships between the econ and cong
"In fact there is a stronger relationships between the economy and the power in congress. The president does not have as much power in the market as people assume. His role is mostly symbolic, while congress has most power on economic issues."
------i kind of agree with this. it's the congress which the real policy maker have great impact on the economy.
Based on historical data, he predict the financial recession cycle has nothing to do with political party. The recession will come from a few month to a year regardless which political party is in the white house.
some comments from the viewers:
"Economic wise, things have never been worse. We are living in economic times worse than any depression/recession. Fantastic video, once again as always.
1930: Average income was $4,887, average monthly rent was $18 a month ($216 a year), average home was $6,000, average new car price was $500. This said, yearly rent was 4.4% of your income, a home was 123% of your income, a car was 10% of your income.
1935 (peak Great Depression): Average income was $1,622, average rent was $27 monthly ($324 a year), average home was $3,900, average new car was $850. This said, yearly rent was 20% of your income, a home was 240% of your income, a new car was 52% of your income.
2009 (peak 2008 Recession): Average income was $50,000, average rent was $486 monthly ($5,832 yearly), average new car was $23,276, a home was $272,900. This said, yearly rent was 12% of your income, a new car was 47% of your income, and a house was 546% of your income.
2024 (current time): Average income is $59,000, average monthly rent is $1,700 ($20,400 annually), average new car price is $48,000, average home price is $415,000. This said, yearly rent is 35% of your income, a home is 703% of your income, and a new car is 81% of your income. "
FDIC, SIPC, FOMC, monetary QEs, Overnight interest rate可以降到0%, fiscal stimulus,增加赤字.
输掉选举的下台前一定挖大坑,给乌克兰一大笔分手费,or 打着给新冠发钱$1T等你任内通货膨胀。
chinese will be the largest landlord this America a century later based on 120% of annual income will buy a house in 1935. we chinese are born to save money and buy properties.
back and buy a lot of properties.
, though there might NOT have much entertainment, no iphone, no computer, still,no harm to be owner of UCSD. the famous black beach was sold to UCSD in $1500 only.
"In fact there is a stronger relationships between the economy and the power in congress. The president does not have as much power in the market as people assume. His role is mostly symbolic, while congress has most power on economic issues."
------i kind of agree with this. it's the congress which the real policy maker have great impact on the economy.