Schwab HSBA is a self-directed brokerage account that resides within your Health Savings Account (HSA). In addition to the investment choices typically offered by a Health Savings Account, an HSBA lets you invest in a wide range of investment options to include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).
The catch is you may get lower social security benefits
Contributing to an HSA through a salary reduction agreement with an employer may result in lower Social Security benefits. This is because the wages you contribute to an HSA don't count towards your Social Security benefit
Schwab HSBA is a self-directed brokerage account that resides within your Health Savings Account (HSA). In addition to the investment choices typically offered by a Health Savings Account, an HSBA lets you invest in a wide range of investment options to include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).
2024 迄今一家五口deductible 200多,out of pocket 五百多。
without limitation or account fees. It has been on the top one/two HSA reviews for many years.
因为这部分不付FICA tax. 自己去Fidelity 存HSA这部分税白交了
Contributing to an HSA through a salary reduction agreement with an employer may result in lower Social Security benefits. This is because the wages you contribute to an HSA don't count towards your Social Security benefit
每年交税时候, 因为你放了HSA的钱款, 你可以在填税的时候, 有个地方专门关于这块的。
就是将税后的这钱, 拉回到税前去来计算税收。
我们这4年, 从IRA转了好多去roth IRA, 这个转的数是税前的, 到 roth 就是税后的, 所以要交好多税。还有红利也是要交税的。我们俩已经4年没有active income了, 也没领 社安金。
我们交的税款, 是从不是退休账户的存款, 投资里的红利里面来的, 所以, 用非退休账户的钱来交税收的。
Federal 和 State tax 当然是不用交的,区别是后者先交税但报税时拿回 refund
Health Equity 账户上的钱 transfer 过去,一般等两、三个星期完成,试试看。
我们公司用 Optum,每年公司 contributes $1000 进Optum, 我都是马上转去 Fidelity. 剩下自己的 contribution 直接存进 Fidelity.