This City Was Named the Best Retirement Spot for Middle-class Americans
GoBankingRates has just the place to move if you fall into the middle class.
By Stacey Leasca Published on October 24, 2024 Colorful golf carts parked on a main street in downtown Sumter Landing. PHOTO:
Retirement can seem like a far-off fantasy for many, and something only the truly wealthy can ever look forward to achieving. According to a 2024 study by Northwestern Mutual, the average American worker believes they need $1.46 million in the bank to retire comfortably, marking a 53 percent increase in the retirement savings target number from 2020.
However, there are ways to retire for less, including picking a new hometown to live out your golden years in total comfort. And has just the place to move if you fall into the middle class.
In September, the website revealed the findings of its study looking into the perfect place to retire for those in the middle class that offers everything they need. It named The Villages in Florida the best spot for middle-class retirees.
To come to its conclusion, the team gathered data from the U.S. Census and Federal Reserve and analyzed cities across the nation with a minimum population of 10,000 residents where at least 25 percent of that population is aged 65 years and over. It then looked at critical data for those inching toward retirement, including the household median income in each city, as well as the average home value, total annual cost of living, and the average Social Security Benefit.
According to its findings, the famed retirement community just north of Orlando comes with a household median income of $73,415 and has a single-family home average value of $408,342. The annual cost of living here, the report noted, is $48,808, while the average Social Security Benefits are $30,704.
At The Villages, retirees can really live their best life, choosing to golf on one of its nine- or 18-hole courses, hike its extensive trail network, dine in one of its many restaurants, shop its various plazas, and naturally, hang by its plentiful pools.
As for where else middle-class retirees should consider, Green Valley City, Arizona, came in second, thanks to its household median income of $57,785, its single-family home average value of $321,915, its annual cost of living at $41,989, and its average Social Security Benefit of $27,102. Rounding out the top five spots are Sun City West, Arizona; Hot Springs Village, Arkansas; and Venice, Florida.
GoBankingRates has just the place to move if you fall into the middle class.
By Stacey Leasca Published on October 24, 2024JILLIANCAIN/GETTY IMAGES
Retirement can seem like a far-off fantasy for many, and something only the truly wealthy can ever look forward to achieving. According to a 2024 study by Northwestern Mutual, the average American worker believes they need $1.46 million in the bank to retire comfortably, marking a 53 percent increase in the retirement savings target number from 2020.
However, there are ways to retire for less, including picking a new hometown to live out your golden years in total comfort. And has just the place to move if you fall into the middle class.
In September, the website revealed the findings of its study looking into the perfect place to retire for those in the middle class that offers everything they need. It named The Villages in Florida the best spot for middle-class retirees.
To come to its conclusion, the team gathered data from the U.S. Census and Federal Reserve and analyzed cities across the nation with a minimum population of 10,000 residents where at least 25 percent of that population is aged 65 years and over. It then looked at critical data for those inching toward retirement, including the household median income in each city, as well as the average home value, total annual cost of living, and the average Social Security Benefit.
According to its findings, the famed retirement community just north of Orlando comes with a household median income of $73,415 and has a single-family home average value of $408,342. The annual cost of living here, the report noted, is $48,808, while the average Social Security Benefits are $30,704.
At The Villages, retirees can really live their best life, choosing to golf on one of its nine- or 18-hole courses, hike its extensive trail network, dine in one of its many restaurants, shop its various plazas, and naturally, hang by its plentiful pools.
As for where else middle-class retirees should consider, Green Valley City, Arizona, came in second, thanks to its household median income of $57,785, its single-family home average value of $321,915, its annual cost of living at $41,989, and its average Social Security Benefit of $27,102. Rounding out the top five spots are Sun City West, Arizona; Hot Springs Village, Arkansas; and Venice, Florida.
See the full ranking of all 30 locations at
佛罗里达州的村庄通常被认为是全球最大、最受欢迎的退休社区之一。它主要位于佛罗里达州中部,占地超过 32 平方英里,横跨三个县(萨姆特、莱克和马里恩),拥有超过 140,000 名居民。它以其充满活力的社交生活、广泛的设施和积极的生活方式而闻名,被宣传为退休人员的首选目的地。下面详细介绍一下它如此具有吸引力的原因:
1.社交及康乐设施 高尔夫: The Villages 拥有超过 50 个高尔夫球场,部分球场还为居民提供终身免费高尔夫服务,是高尔夫球手的天堂。 娱乐中心:数十个中心提供游泳池、健身课程、匹克球、网球和各种各样的体育联盟。 娱乐:三个城镇广场——西班牙泉、萨姆特湖登陆点和布朗伍德——每天都有现场娱乐、餐饮、购物和电影院。 俱乐部和社交团体:有超过 3,000 个俱乐部,因此退休人员可以加入各种活动,从艺术课程和语言团体到专业汽车俱乐部和旅行社团。 2.医疗保健和服务 医疗保健设施: The Villages 拥有全面的医疗保健系统,包括 The Villages Health,它运营多个初级和专科护理中心并提供医院网络。 室内服务:附近有购物中心、杂货店和许多餐馆,无需离开社区即可轻松满足日常需求。 3.安全性和机动性 高尔夫球车作为交通工具:由于有超过 100 英里的高尔夫球车道连接社区和城镇中心,居民主要使用高尔夫球车出行。 安全:社区设有大门,并有邻里守望计划和当地执法部门确保安全。 4.社区文化与生活方式 积极参与的居民: The Villages 吸引了寻求积极生活方式的退休人员,因此社区里充满了各种活动。 政治和社会身份:它以其参与各种利益集团的人口而闻名,这赋予了它强烈的社区意识。 缺点 规模和受欢迎程度:购物村有时会让人感觉拥挤,虽然它提供了各种各样的活动,但对于某些人来说,它可能会让人感到难以承受或太大。 生活成本:虽然住房通常比其他退休社区便宜,但由于便利设施费、HOA 费用和可选的俱乐部会员资格,费用可能会增加。对于那些希望拥有丰富多彩的社交生活和全面设施的退休人士来说,The Villages 提供了身临其境、充满活力的体验。然而,它的规模和强度可能并不适合所有人。
可以去Sales Office有人接待,也有免费Bus tour。那里很多人爱运动,运动水平相当高。有各种各样的社团活动,不会寂寞。那是55+社区,有些刚刚到55岁就入住了,甚至有不到55岁的。那篇说性病泛滥的是危言耸听的谣言,早就有很多辟谣了。我觉得选择居住地各有所好,也不必这么嫌弃老年人,希望等你老了不会被人嫌弃。