For 2024, a Solo 401(k) allows both spouses to contribute if they are both earning income from the business. Each spouse can make employee deferrals of up to $23,000 (or $30,500 if they are over 50). In addition, as the employer, the business can contribute up to 25% of compensation for each spouse, with a combined contribution limit (employee plus employer) of $73,500 per person or $146,000 total for the couple, subject to income levels and IRS guidelines.
上次承蒙鲤鱼洲大师的指点(多谢前辈),开始办理defined pension plan。现在有几个问题有点疑虑,再来请教一下前辈。
(1)如果公司不行了,3-5年后要终止plan, 转到退休帐户。说转出的时候,如果underperform expected value (大概5%年化),要补齐才能转出(这个问题不大)但如果overperform (年化大于5%),高出的收益部分,不但要交income tax, 还要交10% 罚款。这个怎么看
(2)和fidelity 聊过了,说除了third party 做申请文件维持之外,最好把钱交给cash balance 的人打理投资(1%手续费),而不是自己投资,这样可以保证收益在IRS 合理范围内。
For 2024, a Solo 401(k) allows both spouses to contribute if they are both earning income from the business. Each spouse can make employee deferrals of up to $23,000 (or $30,500 if they are over 50). In addition, as the employer, the business can contribute up to 25% of compensation for each spouse, with a combined contribution limit (employee plus employer) of $73,500 per person or $146,000 total for the couple, subject to income levels and IRS guidelines.
If the grow is too good, you need to increase your W2 income (read more tax). No need to put in too much.
Get a pension management company to take care of paperwork.