I used financial advisors from Smith barney, morgan stanley
UBS (a few institutional investment options with different risk level. I picked most aggressive ones). Performance all worse than SP500 index by a few % points in my experience. I still remembered what one customer service lady said: At least you are not loosing money.
I use the fidelity adviser to manage most of my money.
They choose 200 best stocks out of SP 500 using computer algorithm trading. When market drops, they shift to more defensive stocks and the loss is less than SP. I am happy with the returns. This year better than SP. Loss harvesting can be applied against capital gains.
You should ask him how he operate, but normally....
A fund manage would look at a basket of SP500 stocks (as an example), he would sell one stock at loss, and at the same time buy another similar stock to avoid wash sale. If he controls the entire portfolio, he can make sure you dont end up buying and selling the same stock within 30 days
But if you also trade, you could buy or sell the same stock he is doing
This is just one example. You should ask your advisor what is his exact strategy for harvest loss
有几个 million 现金在fidelity,慢慢的定投VOO QQQ(每星期投2万,然后跌的时候再加投几万)。投资小白,工作又忙,没敢大量投资。这些钱都是这2年积累的,所以现在大概股市1/3,现金2/3。现金放在money market。最近fidelity financial advisor 给我又打电话了,说是可以帮我投资 (好像是买2百个股票在投资帐号那种)。我问他投资收益年化率过去5-10年和SP500 相比如何。他说他的方法投资,可以harvest tax loss, 更tax efficient. 他秀了个表格(我忘了存档),说不考虑tax, SP 500 annual return 更好,但是after tax loss harvest, 他的方法比SPY 更好(其实也就高0.3%这样?而且他算SPY 用的是37% tax?)。我问他,每年tax loss 不是只能算3000吗? 他说不是的,3000 只是income tax loss deductible, 可以在最终买卖的时候harvest loss (我没懂怎么操作)。老公说可以给他1-2 million 试试?想听听各位大拿的意见。
这好像就是fidelity 根据我的risk take strategy 自动投资。commission也不多,不到1%。
UBS (a few institutional investment options with different risk level. I picked most aggressive ones). Performance all worse than SP500 index by a few % points in my experience. I still remembered what one customer service lady said: At least you are not loosing money.
You can dividide the money into 12 and buy.
They choose 200 best stocks out of SP 500 using computer algorithm trading. When market drops, they shift to more defensive stocks and the loss is less than SP. I am happy with the returns. This year better than SP. Loss harvesting can be applied against capital gains.
A fund manage would look at a basket of SP500 stocks (as an example), he would sell one stock at loss, and at the same time buy another similar stock to avoid wash sale. If he controls the entire portfolio, he can make sure you dont end up buying and selling the same stock within 30 days
But if you also trade, you could buy or sell the same stock he is doing
This is just one example. You should ask your advisor what is his exact strategy for harvest loss
Hire advisor.
要不要用理财顾问?(2022/12/5 更新) - 博客 | 文学城
Income such as interest, dividend etc. It can be carried over if not used up.
long-term $5000, 可以卖股票或房产, long-term gain $6000, 可以报long-term gain $1000. 这就是所谓的loss harvest。