激光雷达测距确实精确,但是不是没有识别的问题。开车不需要精确到厘米,更不用说毫米,但需要的是智能的判断。 所以激光雷达is nice to have, but not necessary, 特别是在巨大的成本代价和数据出路负担的情况下。Waymo能不能搞定取决于智能和算法,测距测到纳米也没用。 “如果靠激光雷达都搞不定全无人驾驶,纯视觉方案就更搞不定。" 所以这句话逻辑不对。
问了一下GPT, Tesla 认为FSD已经超过了99%的人类司机,但是如我估计,统计上很难讲谁是top1%的司机。
According to Tesla's data, their Full Self Driving (FSD) technology is statistically safer than the average human driver, and even surpasses the driving ability of a top 1% human driver in terms of accident rates, with significantly fewer crashes per million miles driven; however, independent testing and safety concerns remain regarding FSD's capabilities in complex driving scenarios, especially when compared to a truly exceptional human driver in edge cases. Key points about FSD vs top 1% human driver: Full Self Driving (FSD) Beta crashes significantly less frequently than the average driver, with a crash rate of 0.31 times per million miles on non-highway roads, compared to the national average of 1.53 crashes per million miles for human drivers, suggesting that even a top 1% human driver would likely still have a higher crash rate than FSD in most driving scenarios; however, it's important to note that this data is self-reported by Tesla and may not be fully verified by independent researchers. Sensor capabilities: FSD utilizes advanced sensors and computer vision to process information much faster than a human, potentially allowing for quicker reactions to changing road conditions. Consistency: While a top human driver may consistently perform well, FSD aims to maintain a high level of driving performance across all situations, eliminating distractions like fatigue or inattention. Limitations of FSD: Critics argue that while FSD may excel in routine driving, it can struggle with unpredictable situations, edge cases, and challenging weather conditions where a skilled human driver might adapt better. Testing and regulation: Independent testing and regulatory oversight are crucial to fully assess the safety and capabilities of FSD compared to top human drivers.
If you still think that writing millions of rules can cover all longtail problems, you are not living in this time. The neural network is a black box, just like the human brain. AI is not going to handle every case correctly, nor is the human brain. AI does not need to beat the smartness of all human brains added up, but it will beat every single human brain 99.999% of the times.
你3 年前对比了特斯拉和Waymo的路径,现在在我看来,胜负已定。 Tesla全自动驾驶已经实现,Waymo的局限还没有突破,原因如下
1. AI 的发展,最近一年的AI发展使得Tesla的底层程序完全变了,从条件设定的编程转换成人工智能的端到端。从几十几百万条代码变成3万条代码,这个变化是翻天覆地的,之后的进步是像AlphaGo从打败李世石,到打败柯洁,到完全没有人类对手那么快
2. 纯视觉方案被证实成功,以前业界很怀疑纯视觉方案的可靠性,事实证明成功了,那么这个方案上低成本效应是巨大的。每一辆车便宜$5-6万美金的成本,在这个市占率统治一切的市场是什么意义?(我估计Waymo的车每一辆都是10万以上的)
3. 高精地图的模式无法展开,无法解决道路情况的变化和全球各地的测绘需求,成本即使是谷歌的财力也无法承受。这是为什么Waymo至今只能在几个城市试运行,特斯拉自动驾驶可以在全球铺开。
4. Tesla的安全性,看一下这张图,还不是2024年的数字,不要忘了AI的进步速度。
5. 数据积累,因为Tesla的数量远大于Waymo, 所以在人工智能时代,数据就是一切,差距会越来越大。没有找到很好的对比,不过差距是可以想象的
1. AI 的发展,最近一年的AI发展使得Tesla的底层程序完全变了,从条件设定的编程转换成人工智能的端到端。从几十几百万条代码变成3万条代码,这个变化是翻天覆地的,之后的进步是像AlphaGo从打败李世石,到打败柯洁,到完全没有人类对手那么快
2. 纯视觉方案被证实成功,以前业界很怀疑纯视觉方案的可靠性,事实证明成功了,那么这个方案上低成本效应是巨大的。每一辆车便宜$5-6万美金的成本,在这个市占率统治一切的市场是什么意义?(我估计Waymo的车每一辆都是10万以上的)
回答:不知道你说的纯视觉方案“成功”的标准是什么。到底怎么就“事实证明成功了”。激光雷达在原理上就是比纯视觉方案可靠性更高:激光物理测距就是比用算法从照相机上用算法算距离更准,这是无论如何都无法改变的基本物理原理,纯视觉方案无论如何都只能无限逼近激光雷达的表现。如果靠激光雷达都搞不定全无人驾驶,纯视觉方案就更搞不定。 Waymo激光雷达方案还不能做到真正的全无人,主要还是技术问题。成本问题也有,但是另一个问题。
3. 高精地图的模式无法展开,无法解决道路情况的变化和全球各地的测绘需求,成本即使是谷歌的财力也无法承受。这是为什么Waymo至今只能在几个城市试运行,特斯拉自动驾驶可以在全球铺开。
4. Tesla的安全性,看一下这张图,还不是2024年的数字,不要忘了AI的进步速度。
5. 数据积累,因为Tesla的数量远大于Waymo, 所以在人工智能时代,数据就是一切,差距会越来越大。没有找到很好的对比,不过差距是可以想象的
签了协议,以后Uber 司机要失业了
就算端到端不是新东西,但是人工智能的发展和芯片的算力显然进步很大,如果Uber18年没成功,不代表Tesla24年不会成功。现在FSD 12.X已经远超人类驾驶员的平均水平了。所谓“长尾”是不是指小概率的事故现象,但是当这个概率够小,也就是自动驾驶事故率低于99%的人类司机时,这已经不重要了。自动驾驶不需要达到100%安全。
激光雷达测距确实精确,但是不是没有识别的问题。开车不需要精确到厘米,更不用说毫米,但需要的是智能的判断。 所以激光雷达is nice to have, but not necessary, 特别是在巨大的成本代价和数据出路负担的情况下。Waymo能不能搞定取决于智能和算法,测距测到纳米也没用。 “如果靠激光雷达都搞不定全无人驾驶,纯视觉方案就更搞不定。" 所以这句话逻辑不对。
所以tesla给出的时间点太久,要2 年,显然这是在考虑监管的难度。
According to Tesla's data, their Full Self Driving (FSD) technology is statistically safer than the average human driver, and even surpasses the driving ability of a top 1% human driver in terms of accident rates, with significantly fewer crashes per million miles driven; however, independent testing and safety concerns remain regarding FSD's capabilities in complex driving scenarios, especially when compared to a truly exceptional human driver in edge cases. Key points about FSD vs top 1% human driver: Full Self Driving (FSD) Beta crashes significantly less frequently than the average driver, with a crash rate of 0.31 times per million miles on non-highway roads, compared to the national average of 1.53 crashes per million miles for human drivers, suggesting that even a top 1% human driver would likely still have a higher crash rate than FSD in most driving scenarios; however, it's important to note that this data is self-reported by Tesla and may not be fully verified by independent researchers. Sensor capabilities: FSD utilizes advanced sensors and computer vision to process information much faster than a human, potentially allowing for quicker reactions to changing road conditions. Consistency: While a top human driver may consistently perform well, FSD aims to maintain a high level of driving performance across all situations, eliminating distractions like fatigue or inattention. Limitations of FSD: Critics argue that while FSD may excel in routine driving, it can struggle with unpredictable situations, edge cases, and challenging weather conditions where a skilled human driver might adapt better. Testing and regulation: Independent testing and regulatory oversight are crucial to fully assess the safety and capabilities of FSD compared to top human drivers.
If you still think that writing millions of rules can cover all longtail problems, you are not living in this time. The neural network is a black box, just like the human brain. AI is not going to handle every case correctly, nor is the human brain. AI does not need to beat the smartness of all human brains added up, but it will beat every single human brain 99.999% of the times.