看来您也是篮球迷。我觉得这和怎么吹走步不一样,对湖人的影响远大于整个联盟。毕竟湖人的操作合法, 都在明面上。这个实验对联盟甚至可能是好事:It's one of the season-long story lines. 搞砸了也只影响湖人的成绩。
James and Curry are both great but different types of players. I am a Curry fan, and did not like James in early years for various reasons. He earned my respect after 20+ years in the league for several reasons: longevity, discipline, playing the right way, etc. Despite Curry's brilliance in the semifinal and final, James is the MVP of the 2024 Olympics.
联盟不是第一次屈服于Lebron James,他的三步上篮让所有裁判都闭上了眼睛,毕竟利益高于一切。
他很强壮也很自律,但一到最关键的时刻就无法担重任定绝杀,所以永远只能是个优秀的运动员,而已。比Stephen Curry 弱太多了。
看来您也是篮球迷。我觉得这和怎么吹走步不一样,对湖人的影响远大于整个联盟。毕竟湖人的操作合法, 都在明面上。这个实验对联盟甚至可能是好事:It's one of the season-long story lines. 搞砸了也只影响湖人的成绩。
James and Curry are both great but different types of players. I am a Curry fan, and did not like James in early years for various reasons. He earned my respect after 20+ years in the league for several reasons: longevity, discipline, playing the right way, etc. Despite Curry's brilliance in the semifinal and final, James is the MVP of the 2024 Olympics.