You can lockdown your account at Fidelity investment
without affecting its normal operation like automatic detb and money transfer in as well as trade within your locked account, but any transfer out will be stopped until you unlock the account.
so you can unlock to transfer $ out then lockdown after. A key benifit of lockdown is to prevent somebody from using your info to initiate ACAT asset transfer out (usually without the need to login your account).
without affecting its normal operation like automatic detb and money transfer in as well as trade within your locked account, but any transfer out will be stopped until you unlock the account.
我有个朋友 --- 真的不是我,否则我会写的更详细些。
1. 长途开车去朋友家,在休息站休息,一不留神包包被人偷走了,钱包信用卡手机驾照都在里面
2. 到了朋友家打电话把一切可能想到可以注销的都注销了
3. 几个月后突然有家银行来信说开了个新的支票账户,去银行查询,发现里面的钱是从Schwab brokarage account转过来的
4. 我这朋友也很懒,不经常交易股票。去Schwab account 一看,居然被人家卖掉一点股票,proceeds 转到那个新开的银行checking account
后来是TA孩子帮着cleared the mess
有个免费的 App 叫 Authy,我还没试过,据说蛮不错
原理和老式的 token 差不多,两边同步生产6-8位十进制数字,每10秒换一次
with required additional security measures you have been set on any critial changes.
如给了她, your cell phone verification code will go to her phone applied under your name.
比如你的 Gmail account,与 Authy app 初始连接时说好一个很长的密码(QR code 扫描),说好后两边就按时间来生产所谓token(6-digit code),每10秒换一次。这个很长的密码Google 那边存一个,你app 这边存一个,两边对上生成的暗号就算 2FA对上了。
6-digit code 算法应该是open source公开的,只有很长的密码(QR code)可能被hack,一个是Gmail 这边,一个是你的mobile app。Authy app 不联网,只有有准确时间就能生成6-digit code.
2FA 最好有2个方法或以上,最好手机丢了也还有办法恢复。
用手机号送code through text message大家都知道,用 Authy app 是另一个方法,不依赖手机号。
我自己还没开始用 Authy,但觉得 Authy 比较符合实际,对消费者用户免费。
so you can unlock to transfer $ out then lockdown after. A key benifit of lockdown is to prevent somebody from using your info to initiate ACAT asset transfer out (usually without the need to login your account).