So many steps are NOT right to me before signed a lease
他第二天发credit score给我 -> Check credit by landlaord, not 发credit score给我 看人还不错 -> not right to most people 先就签了lease -> Before you check Credit, really got deposit 收了deposit支票(还没有存) - what if 支票 is fake? maybe ask transfer online for deposit
Lease termination fraud in a rental application context involves an applicant intentionally providing false or misleading information to secure a lease, potentially with the intent to terminate it later without facing consequences. This can include falsified income, employment, or identity information, or hiding criminal history.
一时疏忽,租客说他第二天发credit score给我,看人还不错,糊里糊涂的当时先就签了lease 收了deposit支票(还没有存),现在发现他根本就不想提供credit score,应该非常低。现在还能取消lease吗?
他第二天发credit score给我 -> Check credit by landlaord, not 发credit score给我
看人还不错 -> not right to most people
先就签了lease -> Before you check Credit, really got deposit
收了deposit支票(还没有存) - what if 支票 is fake? maybe ask transfer online for deposit
Lease termination fraud in a rental application context involves an applicant intentionally providing false or misleading information to secure a lease, potentially with the intent to terminate it later without facing consequences. This can include falsified income, employment, or identity information, or hiding criminal history.
但是,如果对方到时候再把credit report给你,你又没有理由了。因为你没有任何纸面证据说credit score高于多少才能租。
所以只能说你做事毛手毛脚,credit/income/criminal history/eviction history四项都要查满后,才能签合同。