加一点closing cost, 每年的short vacation rental income 是$65 万左右.
There are also three new development projects that may consider JV with serous partners. All are oceanfront. Owned land value $13 M , construction cost estimate $10 M, completed prodects worth around $37M. Two-year time frame.
大家好! 我最近在佛罗里达海边买了两个度假投资房, gross return 大概10%. 想寻求一个合伙人( 限一人).有兴趣的可以与我联系.
加一点closing cost, 每年的short vacation rental income 是$65 万左右.
There are also three new development projects that may consider JV with serous partners. All are oceanfront. Owned land value $13 M , construction cost estimate $10 M, completed prodects worth around $37M. Two-year time frame.
每年的short vacation rental income 是$65 万左右. 这是Net or gross income? 能提供几年的(报税)数据?
我也是单枪匹马,零打碎敲. 出于投资,也是出于对设计的兴趣. 后来有三个朋友自动加入进来,在佛罗里达海边建了几个个房子.现在在做weekly short vacation rental. 我也从来不在朋友圈主动去找JV, 周围都是读书出来的,能做的也不多. 事实上JV partner 好多都是开始不认识的. 这种JV 都是内行的,不是说几句话就拍板了.两厢情愿后,还有好多法律程序走.
most is the 豆腐 and 豆腐渣 of my home town.