水从墙板流出并沿着窗玻璃往下流. water dripping from air inlet underneath gutter too.
gutter spout is fine. I tap on the pipe and I can hear the hollow sound. Not sure if gutter is full. Will check tomorrow.
How does water go into siding? could it be leak in the roof? We used moisture meter and indoor drywall is fine. No access to that part of roof from inside.
A few years old, 27-37 F today,3-4 inch snow. satellite dish was not new. We
水从墙板流出并沿着窗玻璃往下流. water dripping from air inlet underneath gutter too.
gutter spout is fine. I tap on the pipe and I can hear the hollow sound. Not sure if gutter is full. Will check tomorrow.
How does water go into siding? could it be leak in the roof? We used moisture meter and indoor drywall is fine. No access to that part of roof from inside.
A few years old, 27-37 F today,3-4 inch snow. satellite dish was not new. Wedo not get snow often.
is the satellite antenna new?
Satellite at least 6 ft from where main water leak/drip down the window glass
May try ink tracing.