If a buyer waives contingencies in a purchase agreement and then changes their mind, they generally cannot get a refund for their earnest deposit because they are no longer protected by any contingencies allowing them to back out of the contract without penalty; essentially, they are considered to have "cold feet" and are breaching the contract by not going through with the purchase
我们是买方,队友更正说给的easnest money是5000刀,
我们退出当天房子马上pending, 没有造成他们的损失,我们提出要退还押金,
现seller 说退2000刀,他要keep 3000 刀,要我签一个release of deposit form.
我签的是waive all contigency,
原则上不会当天又pending,你想全额追回钱,去法庭file个case,在他屋产上有个lis pendens,这样他就卖不了房,自然回来找你和解。
If a buyer waives contingencies in a purchase agreement and then changes their mind, they generally cannot get a refund for their earnest deposit because they are no longer protected by any contingencies allowing them to back out of the contract without penalty; essentially, they are considered to have "cold feet" and are breaching the contract by not going through with the purchase