Get a lender referral from your peer investors. You want to talk to the head of the commerial lending department or someone who can make decisions. Things will be much easier this way since they have some level of trust in you already if your investor friend has a great relationship in place.
一月中旬刚刚过户的一个仓储地产,卖家 是 做customized machinery的,拥有地产和生意,过户后留下来成为租户。 成交价$80每平方英尺,市场价$90-100。 租金$7.6每平方英尺,市场租金$9,NNN,租约五年。Cap Rate 9.6%。 商业贷款, 75%的 购入价,6%利息,5年固定。 当地银行有很好的借贷关系。 现金回报率13%,本金回报率5%。
Get a lender referral from your peer investors. You want to talk to the head of the commerial lending department or someone who can make decisions. Things will be much easier this way since they have some level of trust in you already if your investor friend has a great relationship in place.