The landlord is harassing them The landlord violated their right to privacy The rental unit is not habitable They have health reasons They have irreconcilable problems with neighbors or management They have noise problems They have concerns about safety or security
这个房客有点奇葩,搬进来从来没有准时交过房租,但都是晚一天,然后多给100。 我每次前一天和当天都发text提醒,人家也不搭理。我还说过,你最好能和我沟通,如果晚一两天事先说可以不要late fee, 但是前提是要事先告诉我,人家就回一个字sorry。 这已经是第六个月了,这个月目前晚了两天,还是对任何提示都不吱声。是不是只好开始驱逐了。
既然他晚一天就会付late fee,属有高度自觉性的类型,只要他还想继续住,有钱时就会付租。不过,他若是想搬家,也会不声不响地拖着,这类性格的人,会按自己的行为方式行事。
我知道你是好心,想帮房客省钱,但我想说的是,你已经释放了你的善意,对方不接受,那就随她去吧。只要能够交房租就是好房客,肯乖乖交late fee 的是完美房客,每个月多赚100不香么?
只是想请教一下碰到完全没有沟通的房客 下一步怎么办,电话不接 text email 都不回,然后现在房租晚了。不能说她没有问题吧,当然不想直接驱逐,只是想寻求下一步怎么办。
估计我会直接开始驱逐。你只管提醒,对方不沟通就给自己设一个提醒次数的上限,到了就直接驱逐。平时晚5天以内我觉得一般都不需要提醒,对方主动付late fee就收着
Tenants can break their lease if:
The landlord is harassing them The landlord violated their right to privacy The rental unit is not habitable They have health reasons They have irreconcilable problems with neighbors or management They have noise problems They have concerns about safety or security该提醒的我都提醒了,看来只好再等几天,没动静就直接去上门贴三天的notice了。