刚才男房客给我打电话,说他们在闹离婚,女的申请了pretection order,不让他回去,他需要马上搬离condo,也不能再回去。他要求我在周末前把他的名字从租约上去掉(release him from the rental agreement), 还说是他律师建议的。他说会把法律文件发给我,然后copy他律师在email上。可是如果把他名字去掉,那个女生没有收入怎么付房租呢?
Check inside,you need let them know their right & your right
AI Overview Learn more Yes, a tenant in Washington state can break their lease early if they are a victim of domestic violence, unlawful harassment, or stalking: Conditions The tenant must report the incident to law enforcement or a qualified third party. They must also provide the landlord with a valid order of protection or a written record of the report within 90 days. Protections Landlords must honor early lease termination requests from tenants who are victims of domestic violence or stalking.
刚才男房客给我打电话,说他们在闹离婚,女的申请了pretection order,不让他回去,他需要马上搬离condo,也不能再回去。他要求我在周末前把他的名字从租约上去掉(release him from the rental agreement), 还说是他律师建议的。他说会把法律文件发给我,然后copy他律师在email上。可是如果把他名字去掉,那个女生没有收入怎么付房租呢?
agree to void the current lease. In that case you have to deal with the female with a new lease.
确实有时候无法避免,如果他有个eviction的记录,对他们来说也不是好事。驱逐记录会影响credit score吗?
AI Overview Learn more Yes, a tenant in Washington state can break their lease early if they are a victim of domestic violence, unlawful harassment, or stalking: Conditions The tenant must report the incident to law enforcement or a qualified third party. They must also provide the landlord with a valid order of protection or a written record of the report within 90 days. Protections Landlords must honor early lease termination requests from tenants who are victims of domestic violence or stalking.