a light outside each exterior door with a switch from inside. If your house is at least 50 years old, then you may be able to claim grand-father status.
the code says if an area receives sufficient illumination
during normal daylight time, there is no requirement to provide lighting. Evidently what you have is an open yard. There is no requirement to provide lights on the sides of house with no exterior doors.
pm给我房客的work order,说是老公摔了。要求装flood light。我想这个黑的地方自己看不清,摔跤应该房东没有责任吧?房客也没有要求赔偿。
a light outside each exterior door with a switch from inside. If your house is at least 50 years old, then you may be able to claim grand-father status.
during normal daylight time, there is no requirement to provide lighting. Evidently what you have is an open yard. There is no requirement to provide lights on the sides of house with no exterior doors.
一个sensor flood light $25,外加$475还装不好才怪了。不就是到二楼找个有插头的地方,钻个孔,分一条线出去吗?快手一小时装一个。
一般跑路费$250起价,装一个灯可能$500,但是装两个灯,$800 不得了不得了了,找个移民师傅,$500装两个灯也有可能。