best bet is local bank/CU, especially the ones that you
best bet is local bank/CU, especially the ones that you had long term depository relationships with.
not cheap but you maybe able get a porfolio loan against a whole group of properties but they tend to want all 1st lien positions, so aka you need to refi all of them into one big loan.
感觉房市有点冷却的迹象, 租金和房价都往下走, 有些deal似乎叶有了一些吸引力, 但是苦于没有资金, 大家给些建议,哪里可以借到钱?
用过自住房HELOC,金额不大。 出租房有相当的equaty, 但时银行一般不给办理HELOC, 或者办理出租房HELOC成本很高。 有没有别的更好的资金来源?
这个时候很多地主很纠结。 谢谢啊!
用他们的Margin, 借10万以上他们的Margin Rate目前只有5.58%,可以碾压HELOC等。
很多人可能会认为这是个馊主意,爆仓导致Margin Call,但注意点就行。
best bet is local bank/CU, especially the ones that you had long term depository relationships with.
not cheap but you maybe able get a porfolio loan against a whole group of properties but they tend to want all 1st lien positions, so aka you need to refi all of them into one big loan.
本地房子不便宜,租售比8%就不错了, 这么一算,7.5%的利率不挣钱,我也不想每个月往里面贴钱, 也没有钱可以贴, 但是房价大幅往下的可能看起来很小。 只能等利率下来了。