最近看中一套非常喜欢和适合我们的房子,我们递交了offer后,对方完全没有回应。我们追了好几次愿意加钱,直到买到房子,对方还是没有任何回应。直到前几天看到房子pending。。。心如绞痛,难以平复,应该说特别的伤心,真的是perfect home and location for our family.
Remove all contingency. Close it anytime. At beginning, the listing agent said we have a very strong offer. After a few days, she told us the buyer chose the neighbor's offer. From listing agent, seems the neighbor are not offering higher price, just be picked by buyer. She first told us it because we are not personally at the house (远程房)but we have waived everything and can close the house anytime and can pay higher deposit if needed. Then she told us the neighbors been choosing is because they are neighbors. Ok. Then, it's buyer's choice. By the way, we used listing agents as our buyers agent.
最近看中一套非常喜欢和适合我们的房子,我们递交了offer后,对方完全没有回应。我们追了好几次愿意加钱,直到买到房子,对方还是没有任何回应。直到前几天看到房子pending。。。心如绞痛,难以平复,应该说特别的伤心,真的是perfect home and location for our family.
类似经历,看重一个房子,结果agent 非常不积极。offer 递上去给了一个很高的counter. 我 counter offer agent 就不理我了。房子在市场上放了大概一个月后取消了。我在网上找到这个房子主人的linked in. 给她发了短信。她说完全没有收到我的counter. 她说她因为工作原因离开城市卖房子,这个agent是她妈妈朋友。想自己买她这个房子,结果loan 没办下来,两人也闹崩了。她已经找了redfin agent 再谈准备重新上市。我赶紧说不要谈了。我们直接谈。结果我们双方都在一个很满意的价格里面成交。
结果如何, 你无法控制。 卖家代理有太多的猫腻。
他们可以拒绝你或不回复。offer 在约定的期限作废。出的价高不一定得到房子。
来买,出一个价格,再设一个你认为能接受的最高价,在你出的价格与最高价之间如有人出的比你高,你再设一个你比出价最高者再高1千2千等。这样你就会被自动变成最高出价者直到达到你的最高限。如用这个clause 会大大增加你拿到房子的机会。
连COUNTER OFFER 都没有机会,只能看着房子归别人了。
seller, even during pending. You can go to board of realtor to question that. Seller does not need to pick highest offer.
There are other factors. Time frame? finance or not? inspection contigency or not? ...
That is why some people write love letter although some say it is not legal.
Remove all contingency. Close it anytime. At beginning, the listing agent said we have a very strong offer. After a few days, she told us the buyer chose the neighbor's offer. From listing agent, seems the neighbor are not offering higher price, just be picked by buyer. She first told us it because we are not personally at the house (远程房)but we have waived everything and can close the house anytime and can pay higher deposit if needed. Then she told us the neighbors been choosing is because they are neighbors. Ok. Then, it's buyer's choice. By the way, we used listing agents as our buyers agent.