租约11月1日开始, 本打算今天签约,押金2800, 今天签约的话今天收取押金,11月1日收第一个月租金。
1. If we sign the least today - do we have access to move furniture in ASAP?
2. If not, can we sign the lease a little smaller deposit and pay remainder closer to the 1st?
1. 没到11月1日, 不答应搬家具进来
2. 该怎么回答?
No, the deposit today is only a holding deposit. The lease starts on 11/1
That's not what we agreed to.
We can exchange key and nov. rent on 10/31 (or 10/30, 10/29... negotiate) so you can have whole day on 11/1 to move in.
1st it is ok.
However, you have to have at least 50 percent of the depost now, otherwise you stand at the chance of losing this one and have to look for another one on the first.
收几百non-refundable holding deposit (古歌网上有很多表格),25号或一号全都收齐了再签约。
you still have it on the market. If someone else pays the full deposit, that person will get it. Basically tell him no full deposit means no deposit
租约11月1日开始, 本打算今天签约,押金2800, 今天签约的话今天收取押金,11月1日收第一个月租金。
1. If we sign the least today - do we have access to move furniture in ASAP?
2. If not, can we sign the lease a little smaller deposit and pay remainder closer to the 1st?
1. 没到11月1日, 不答应搬家具进来
2. 该怎么回答?
1. If we sign the least today - do we have access to move furniture in ASAP?
No, the deposit today is only a holding deposit. The lease starts on 11/1
2. If not, can we sign the lease a little smaller deposit and pay remainder closer to the 1st?
That's not what we agreed to.
We can exchange key and nov. rent on 10/31 (or 10/30, 10/29... negotiate) so you can have whole day on 11/1 to move in.
1st it is ok.
However, you have to have at least 50 percent of the depost now, otherwise you stand at the chance of losing this one and have to look for another one on the first.
收几百non-refundable holding deposit (古歌网上有很多表格),25号或一号全都收齐了再签约。
you still have it on the market. If someone else pays the full deposit, that person will get it. Basically tell him no full deposit means no deposit