To be honest with you we have not been together since after two weeks or so of moving in everything's been on me and I could take care of everything with no issues like I have been
She's getting her own place and she thinks being on this lease will affect her but I don't think it won't right??
Oldest daughter has a full time just in case you were weary about the income and what not..idk if you agent had added her to our total income don't believe so
房客又发了text, 有点同情他,可是我还是不太想把他老婆take off from lease. 他老婆信用高多了。
Ok..everything is perfectly fine! How its always been!..she basically hasn't been here since day one and my income its more than enough to satisfied all responsibilities and thats how its always been throughout our relationship since day one!..
有个房子七月刚lease出去,一家老墨,应该是二代,英语很好。老公是卡车司机,老婆清洁工,两个女儿,老大在幼儿园上班,老二高中。老公挣7万多,女儿挣三万多,老婆可能也能挣个三万多。老公信用590, 老婆信用680. 看房时两口子恩爱的不行,我看看总收入够了(房租2550),老婆信用还可以,就租给他们了。
今天老公发text给我说能不能把老婆的名字从lease上拿掉。下面是他的text. 我咋回答啊。把他老婆的名字拿掉,他的信用分那么低,和他女儿加起来收入也就可能10万多。很担心啊。现在淡季也完全不好找其他租客了。
To be honest with you we have not been together since after two weeks or so of moving in everything's been on me and I could take care of everything with no issues like I have been
She's getting her own place and she thinks being on this lease will affect her but I don't think it won't right??
Oldest daughter has a full time just in case you were weary about the income and what not..idk if you agent had added her to our total income don't believe so
Ok..everything is perfectly fine! How its always been!..she basically hasn't been here since day one and my income its more than enough to satisfied all responsibilities and thats how its always been throughout our relationship since day one!..
我一个住了14年的房客,夫妻带两个teenage 孩子。住进去3年后,和老公离婚,把她老公移去,把成年女儿加上,我同意了, 几年后女儿结婚,把女儿移去,把成年儿子加上,我也同意了。估计过几年她退休,儿子结婚,会把儿媳加上。很好的房客。基本不找我麻烦。当然我给他们的房租也比市场价低200-300 每月。
坚持现在不改lease, 要改也等到等明年renew 时像你说的那样做。