Your insurnace will always pay your claim. But they need to examine your neighbor's claim to determine if you are liable. Why worry about these details, just give your insurance to anyone who ask for it, and sleep tight. Your insurance company is not a fool.
自己二层楼的公寓的卫生间漏水,向保险索赔了,并向HOA报告了。楼下(其他人拥有)可能无人住,过了约三周在装修时发现天花板漏水,楼下的装修工把天花板和隔热材料拿掉了。我自已房子的adjuster讲,楼下他人的损失要另外作为我的责任索赔(liability claim)。是这样吗?谢谢!
问你的保险有没有被要求做waiver of subrogation,就是保险不会向第三方索赔。这就是各赔各的意思。
如果没有waiver of subrogation,那么所有赔偿是你的保险出。
我的保险看样子会赔一些 。我不确定的是需要作为另一个索赔吗?
Your insurnace will always pay your claim. But they need to examine your neighbor's claim to determine if you are liable. Why worry about these details, just give your insurance to anyone who ask for it, and sleep tight. Your insurance company is not a fool.
买保险需要通知保险提供waiver of subbrogation表。没人告诉你就是没有啊。