Why would PE firms invest in medical and dental practices, hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, and other health care entities? These firms typically seek to sell their acquired businesses in 3-5 years, aiming for at least a 50% profit. To do this, they must show sufficient revenue and profit growth to justify a higher sales price or increase the profitability of an entity they own to justify maintaining ownership. To do this, they must increase revenues and decrease operating costs. To achieve higher revenues, they will raise prices, increase the “productivity” of practitioners (ie, ask the physicians and others to see more patients), or seek a more lucrative mix of procedures. To lower costs they will seek lower-cost supplies; in a best case through forcing lower prices on currently used products, in a worst case by substituting inferior products. More often, because the major “cost” in a medical setting is the salaries of personnel, they will seek to substitute lower-paid staff: LPNs for RNs, minimally trained “medical assistants” for nurses.
因为俺缺乏投入的钱,而且没有办法盘活 equity, 被逼走上靠租金养房和持续发展之路。在大约2017找到一些办法,一直用到现在。现在俺就不觉得被高利率和房子不涨的环境束缚。
但是,文学城绝大部份地主,包括我,的玩法依然门槛太低。对,我们当下的困境不是美联储政策错了,不是赖皮租客多,不是舔啥啥 ashhole 的议员太哪个,就是门槛太低。
俺已经公开很久说,接下来不做地产,要做医疗相关,买诊所开诊所。入这个行有门槛。然后看后代出息有多大走多远。这就是回到2014 的状态,挑战空前,别人看不懂。每个人的条件天份资源不同,转型方向也不同。
Why would PE firms invest in medical and dental practices, hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, and other health care entities? These firms typically seek to sell their acquired businesses in 3-5 years, aiming for at least a 50% profit. To do this, they must show sufficient revenue and profit growth to justify a higher sales price or increase the profitability of an entity they own to justify maintaining ownership. To do this, they must increase revenues and decrease operating costs. To achieve higher revenues, they will raise prices, increase the “productivity” of practitioners (ie, ask the physicians and others to see more patients), or seek a more lucrative mix of procedures. To lower costs they will seek lower-cost supplies; in a best case through forcing lower prices on currently used products, in a worst case by substituting inferior products. More often, because the major “cost” in a medical setting is the salaries of personnel, they will seek to substitute lower-paid staff: LPNs for RNs, minimally trained “medical assistants” for nurses.
现在医疗related, 分工很细, 而大部分的诊所但是联合经营或者挂靠在大医院, 所以IMHO, 投医疗诊所, REIT比较合适, single tenant 的, 如果空置可能会有长时间的空置。
Landlord Statistics [2024 ]: Population, Income & Demographics (ipropertymanagement.com)
搞不齐你还能当个president of the board 过过瘾。 你就是碰的钉子还不够多,得多烧钱多碰钉子啊。