the refrigerator has developed a fishy smell, even after I cleaned it thoroughly. I looked up smells with refrigerators. I’m concerned about the food and any potential chemicals involved. Could we arrange for a technician to check out the refrigerator?
冰箱制冷制冰都没问题,但是租客complain冰箱有臭鱼味。我花了200多找了一个专门帮厂商修冰箱的technician, 他说冰箱是好的,应该不是冰箱产生的味道。他还做了内部steam cleaning和清理了dropping pan。租客冰箱还算干净,但是technician还是清理出了一点grease之类残渣。
PS 冰箱虽然快6年了,但是三开门的,买新的不少钱。我更担心租户得寸进尺在找茬。所以暂时不想跟他们买新的。而且也担心即使买新的,他们还会找同样的理由。
the refrigerator has developed a fishy smell, even after I cleaned it thoroughly. I looked up smells with refrigerators. I’m concerned about the food and any potential chemicals involved. Could we arrange for a technician to check out the refrigerator?