换之前,割草机启动后,大概半分钟后就停了,声音也是忽上忽下,瓮声瓮气的。换了spike plug,carburator,and oil, 还是如此。启动后,过一会儿就停。
大神们帮忙看看,还需要换什么。割草机7年前买的,lawnboy 手推式的。
The dirt from your gas system might go to carburetor, so clean carb bottom after replacing gas filter but still have the same problem.
换之前,割草机启动后,大概半分钟后就停了,声音也是忽上忽下,瓮声瓮气的。换了spike plug,carburator,and oil, 还是如此。启动后,过一会儿就停。
大神们帮忙看看,还需要换什么。割草机7年前买的,lawnboy 手推式的。
The dirt from your gas system might go to carburetor, so clean carb bottom after replacing gas filter but still have the same problem.