
楼主 (文学城)

2018年3月, 我在Las Vegas 买了一全新SFH,4B/3B,2 Suites,租给两对年轻人,兄妹俩和他们各自的男女朋友, 直到现在。6年来一直交租正常,没有雇佣PM,因为是全新物业,没有任何纠纷,租金一直低于市场, 大约总是比市场低$200 到最近的 $500 不等。这期间哥哥结婚,于去年底生下一孩。 今年四月, 按照租约, 他们给了60天搬走的email, 并告诉我因为婴儿小不方便, 希望只用email联络。我以为这是family out growing,need more space,毕竟两家年轻人住一起多有不便。
我立即在Zillow上用同样的租金招租,很快收到50+申请人, 挑选了最好的三户人家, 准备飞去LV秀房。招租的同时,也萌生了卖掉此屋的想法,毕竟long distance, 不利于管理,而且此屋是我rental porfolios 里return最差的。又与一些cash offer 的经纪聊了聊,了解了个大概,可以得到至少 cash offer, net $486K sales proceeds'  with ALL CLOSING COST PAID BUYERS, 过去两年同一街上的相同model的成交价在$582K-$695K 之间,当然高的有别的upgrades, 我的显然没有。
秀房前与现租户联系好时间,送礼物感谢他们提供了便利, 见面时问他们搬走的原因,说是准备搬去与当地的父母同住以尽快存钱好拥有自己的房子。我告诉他们可以考虑买这个房,并告诉他们愿意以上面所说的价卖给他们,但他们需要付all the closing cost, 因为我给了他们$100K discount,从此埋下祸根。

从LV秀屋回来之后到6月7日之间,我用了一个多月的时间教租客如何shop for the best loan, how to interview and choose the title company, 我觉得我在做一件非常有意义的事,帮助他们买到他们不可能买到的房子。因为我不知道他们是否 financially qualified for the loan because I did not look into their financial situation, 他们也没有主动提供给我,我觉得他们买得起就买,买不起就继续租,我无所谓。想说这样简单明了的交易,他们申请到了loan, 就过户,办起来应当不难。

I told them to take the process to learn, every $ they save goes directly to them. It deems to be a happy event for all of us, and do not rush and get burned, I have no intention to sell the property to others, there are no competitions. The Fed is about to cut the rate, it might be better to wait so they do not have to refinance soon.

一开始我收到他们的offer,看起来就像一个joke,earnest money $1K, 我理解他们是害怕拿不到loan, 毕竟他们第一次买房,有各种不确定性,害怕丢钱。我知道正常的的offer的样子,告诉他们去修改,翻来覆去很多次,最后我签的这个版本,还是EMD$1K, 我没有异议,因为我没有任何想吞了EMD 的歪心思。closing date 6/27. 他们需要Purchase Agreement拿去 lock in rate and promised me will modify it to my satisfacation in Addendum.

I also told them not to open escort until their loan is ready. 他们很快找到了loan, 准备6月27日closing。PA上我没留意的空白处他们可以用statue可以play的一些小钱。之后他们各种要求我立即付一些有关title/closing 费用,当然这些费用在normal real estate transaction 应当卖家付。 而且未用租金也就是几十元钱等等都写在addendum 里,要我签字,如此反复多次,让我看到人性的种种,心生惆怅,觉得就是在跟一个minor打交道,其实所有的sellers closing cost不会超过$5K,我觉得在给了他们$100K 的discount之后,还要为一些几十几百的小数斤斤计较,而且还在Addendum里写上:they reserve the right to cancel contract if there are any hidden expenses they do not know. The Title is clean, I pay property tax/HOA on time and those are public records every one can access. 我感觉很不好,6 月19日,我告诉他们如果想买这房,必须去雇一个买房经纪,才可以move forward,因为我觉得无论以什么价格卖给他们,他们都不会appreciate。6 月19日,我同时照会title company stop ordering HOA resales package, wait for new purchase contract from buyer's agent, if any. 也为这个没听说过的过户公司焦虑,害怕fund不翼而飞。

当时我的感觉是他们钱不够,又非要强买,生怕天上掉下来的馅饼丢了,他们甚至说服老父母替他付closing cost。。。又或者他们就是想要从我这里最大限度地多捞点儿。我相信他们不是那么坏,更多是前者,一个四十几岁的人了,才开始结婚生子,输不起。

我没有按照他们的claims 签任何Addendum, 他们也没有要求单一要求 extend the closing date,  我以为这事就这样结束了。
8/9,周五傍晚,收到一封 Law firm Demand Letter。.
Following is the last portion of the letter:
Based on some of your correspondence with my client, it seems that you may believe that
you were able to repudiate the contract because my clients asked you to pay the resale
package fees and refund the security deposit. However, my clients had a right to actually
demand both of those things by statute. As a seller, you had an obligation to provide the
HOA resale package pursuant to NRS 116.4109. When you sell a rental property, you
have a duty to convey the security deposit to the new owner under NRS 118A.244. Here,
my clients would have been the new owners. In other words, my clients had an
affirmative right to those things whether they were added to the contract or even
Moreover, as you may know, property is unique. In this particular case, it is already my
clients’ home and they wish to remain in it. Accordingly specific performance is
appropriate. Stoltz v. Grimm, 100 Nev. 529, 533-34, 689 P.2d 927, 930 (1984). In other
words, my clients have a right to ask a Court to force you to complete the sale and
compensate them for the damages caused by your failure.
If you agree to close escrow no later than August 28th or such reasonable time after that
as may be convenient to my clients and provide written assurances to that effect to my
office no later than August 14th, then this matter can be considered fully resolved. My
clients will waive their right to demand the HOA resale package and will not pursue the
rent that they paid that they should not have been obligated to pay. You will be required
to return the security deposit pursuant to NRS 118A.244.
However, if you do not accept this offer in confirmed writing by August 14th or you do
not complete close of escrow by August 28th1 by delivering clean and clear title to my
1 Or such reasonable time after August 28th which may be convenient for my clients.
clients, then my clients reserve the right to take all lawful actions to uphold their full
rights. This may include, but is not limited to, filing suit demand specific performance as
well as damages for your failure to deliver the HOA reseal package, the full security
deposit, attorney’s fees, and any other damages caused by your failure to uphold your

我收到Demond letter时是8/9, Friday, after business hours. Demond Letter stated I must have an agreement in writing to sell the house to their clients by the close of business day on 8/14, or they will take legal action to against me,  which really just left me 3 business days to inview the local lawers.  

Finding a lawer stand by my best interest NOT the lawer's interest to defend me and give intelligent advise is almost impossible in 3 days.  人性的本质就是为自己谋利,不良律师只会夸大case的难度,巴不得天下不乱,以从中渔利。在如此仓促的时间里我不知道可不可以做到找到一个稍稍公正的好律师。

我一遍又一遍的读Demond Letter,实际上这个DL给了我很多的信心和信息,指引着方向。我又上这个律师的网站上了解到此律所事务是 estate planning,网上所有review都是有关一些probation, will, trust, 又读了该律师在他们website上的biography,觉得他是一个通情达理的人,他也许只听了买家的一面之词,告诉他们的right,然后买家花了几百元请他写个DL,以小博大。我相信买家为了他们自己的自尊,没有告诉这个写DL的律师重要的事实根据(我有,不方便透露,毕竟这世界很小,虽然他们不是国人),律师也不知,但他何乐而不为,没有啥生意,下雨天打孩子,能赚一点是一点,就帮他们写了DL。

我知道,这世上,做任何事,不是浪费时间,而是通向坦途的必然,上文学城,就是为了了解民意,是平复自己情绪的手段,感谢众多网友一针见血的insight, 比如米奇的厨房,少小离家老大回,pinkshell。所有的回帖我都仔细读过,感谢众多网友的帮助。


I wrote what happened last weekend to use it as guides for myself. 

On Monday, 8/12, I called the lawer's office and left message and also email his secretary for the same message - to make an appointment for a phone meeting with the lawer, I was given wide range of time to choose, I took 3pm appointment on Monday afternoon,  In the mean time, I was on the phone calling the local law firms who handle real estate matters, let my case be heard and intaken by paralegal. When I talked to one of the intake paralegal, she used a firm tone to tell me: DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING, NO ONE CAN FORCE YOU SELL IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO.

与律师的电话会议持续了47分钟,前面的45分钟就像朋友聊天。我告诉他收到他助手的email太晚,无法在上周五立即回复,赞扬他的biography so impressive and I wish my buyers found him earlier so the house could be theirs already.  然后陈述他可能不了解的全情,他告诉了买家的诉求和他们要以什么名义起诉,而且告诉我他必须站在他客户的立场告诉他们不sign waiver of law suite against the sellers even if sellers have no fault to close on 8/28. A lot of things could happen in 2 weeks. I can not compete with God.但是他又告诉我buyers 非常想close on 8/28, 扑簌迷离之中,I asked the lawyer, now you heard the whole story, how do you feel? He immedietly laughed......I smiled silently on my side, then I said firmly to the lawer that I need time to think and make decision. Since I reasonably believe that they want to sue if they can not close the house even with their own fault, I am afraid that I have no choice, if they want to take lawsuit to against me, I am determined to win, I have $100K prepared for the case, or entire value of $600K to lose to defend myself. By the time I win, I make sure the first thing I do is to evict them, and they will forever lose the house. Lastly I asked if I am able to connect the lawer directly and he told me he woud send a brief about the phone meeting to me via email shortly on Monday evening.

总之买家就是想通过DL恐吓拿到一个addendum, on addendum, 只一条:extend the closing to 8/28.


“楼主给的折扣太多了,态度太好,对方起了贪念”谢谢网友-新手地主刚上路- 的回帖,很触及人性,人性需要监管,对心存侥幸的人,起了贪念,后果可以坏很多。

经过周二周三的考虑沉淀和各方的信息,周三中午,我给DL律师的email 如下(省去开头结尾):

The purchase price is to be close to the fair market value with substantial discount stated below;
Earnest money deposit: 1%-10% of purchase price;
I am willing to pass all sales commission,6% of purchase price to your clients to assist them to finish the purchase transaction;
I will pay all sellers related closing cost;
The purchase offer must be drafted by real estate attorney, in this case, Mr. Wiseman, I will pay the attorney fee related to the draft of Purchase Agreement.
Should your clients decide to purchase the house later, in the event of your clients decide to rent instead of own first, they always have the priority to purchase of this house as long as they follow the Lease Agreement, live in the property, until the purchase transaction is finished. I will not sell the property during their lease term.
This offer is good for 1 year, can be renewed with mutual agreement.

If your clients fail to pay rent on time, damage the property, threaten or take lawful actions against landlord/seller all will be considered to break the lease, will result in immediate eviction. This document serves as an addendum to the existing lease.

我希望通过他们律师传递的意思是:我不会卖房,他们可以继续住,我也不要他们签任何文件,只要好好做个租客,我就好好做个landlord,原来的offer不可能了,但要给予他们希望,可以永远有优先权购屋。人失去了希望,被逼无奈,就会铤而走险。同时也给律师找了下个工作。他不是litigation lawer, 不上庭打官司的,他也没必要得罪我。找新的律师,$600/hr, $2500 retainer upfront, 也没有多少胜算。

感谢买家的律师的47分钟,成了指路的明灯。记录案例的paralegals, 只言片语,给我很多灵感。



所以我不会着急、尽量忘掉忧愁和烦恼。现在也不晓得租客在憋着什么坏,如果他们没有认识到是他们自己blow the deal away, 总要别人负责自己的错误,他们也许还会再找茬,我现在也没有更好的点子。我无理不取闹,有理也要让三分。


In the past 20+year,I have directly worked with listing agents to buy and  buyers' agent to  sell,never had bad experiences with anyone except this one. 也胜过几桩lawyers告诉我根本没有胜算的案子。


do business as business.
yes, sir!
谢谢您,一定会的。住着这么低租金的房子,买啥啊?而且我又没撵他们走,有永远有优先权买,如果还要sue, 那纯粹是疯了


谢谢您的follow up,太长没读完,感觉就是你做事情不规范不按照市场规则造成的麻烦,以后应该吸取教训。














是的,我请了律师,他们非常尽职,这是review之后的最佳方案,可以随时take on the case. 谢谢您!