Ten little Soldier Boys went out to dine; One choked his little self and then there were nine. Nine little Soldier Boys sat up very late; One overslept himself and then there were eight. Eight little Soldier Boys travelling in Devon; One said he'd stay there and then there were seven. Seven little Soldier Boys chopping up sticks; One chopped himself in halves and then there were six. Six little Soldier Boys playing with a hive; A bumblebee stung one and then there were five. Five little Soldier Boys going in for law; One got in Chancery and then there were four. Four little Soldier Boys going out to sea; A red herring swallowed one and then there were three. Three little Soldier Boys walking in the zoo; A big bear hugged one and then there were two. Two little Soldier Boys sitting in the sun; One got frizzled up and then there was one. One little Soldier Boy left all alone; He went out and hanged himself and then there were none.
All heav'n worships in great awe, All men long for earth's accord, Man's true nature is assured, Gracious, three-powered, Yahweh, Lord. Righteous men show true respect, All with wisdom sing Your praise, All the truthful yield in trust, Saved by You from evil ways. You are peerless, constant, true, Father, Son and Spirit, one, Master of all other Lords, Through all time true sovereign Son. Veil'd on boundless mystery, Search we fully without end, Never, from beginning, seen, Never by us mortals sensed. Only You are purest good, Only You true pow'r possess, Only You remain unchanged, Root of lasting righteousness. Now we ponder mercy, love, Fill the nations with Your joy, “Messiah” is Your holy Son And salvation without alloy. Ageless King and willing lamb Sharing bitter toil and pain, Pray, remove man's heavy guilt 'Til our nature's freed again. Holy Son at Your right hand, From Your throne above the world, Master, hear the call from those In the fire-stream tossed and whirled. Master, and most gracious Sire, Ruler and good Lord of all, Teacher, law creator, King Leader, who saves those who fall. Lord, provide the meek of strength, Eyes on You be fixed thereto. Drop sweet dew upon the parched, Till our roots be fed in You. Righteous and adored Messiah, Mercies wider than the seas, Great and humble Holy Ghost, Laws are our sure verities.(A-men.)
有一年我游玩Blue Ridge Mountains,有天早上从旅馆出来,看见周围诸峰白云缭绕。数数峰顶,恰好10数。当时想给美国人建议一下,改Blue Ridge Mountains 为 "Ten LIttle Soliders" Mountains, 看看这首多活泼:
Ten Little Soldiers (And Then There Were None)
Ten little Soldier Boys went out to dine; One choked his little self and then there were nine.
Nine little Soldier Boys sat up very late; One overslept himself and then there were eight.
Eight little Soldier Boys travelling in Devon; One said he'd stay there and then there were seven.
Seven little Soldier Boys chopping up sticks; One chopped himself in halves and then there were six.
Six little Soldier Boys playing with a hive; A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.
Five little Soldier Boys going in for law; One got in Chancery and then there were four.
Four little Soldier Boys going out to sea; A red herring swallowed one and then there were three.
Three little Soldier Boys walking in the zoo; A big bear hugged one and then there were two.
Two little Soldier Boys sitting in the sun; One got frizzled up and then there was one.
One little Soldier Boy left all alone; He went out and hanged himself and then there were none.
游历佛山起来总是遇到许多烧香许愿的。中国人在宗教方面特别实用主义,与做生意一样,从收益多少去分析投资效果。到哪里烧香,先要打听那里的菩萨灵不灵。先弄点小钱买几炷香烧烧,然后和菩萨说合同: 你如果能保着我金榜题名,保着我一本万利,保着我娶到心上人,我会再来给你烧更多的香。
概率原因,自然有愿望实现的。于是信守合同,过来还愿。寺院高兴,将这些事情大肆宣扬: 欸,你知道吗,九华山的地藏菩萨灵,比xx山的地藏菩萨灵多了。
愿望没有实现的呢? 基本就埋肚里了。你还能干吗?找释迦牟尼打官司退香火钱?门都没有! 对神,大家还是惧怕的。另外,你许愿要干这干那,地藏菩萨什么事后答应你了?再说了,你想娶那么俊的媳妇,那点香火钱也不够呀。
一剑没有谈宗教的意图哈。只是想从文化方面谈谈感想。偶然的机会,我读过唐朝关于景教(就是基督教)的文章。彻底被当时中国文人折服了。大家知道基督教新约有四福音,知道唐朝文人怎么称呼其作者?他们教作者为“法王” :
《四福音书》的作者,均改以“法王”称呼:马太是明泰法王、路加是卢珈法王、马可是摩距辞法王、约翰为瑜罕难法王;其馀如教堂叫作“伽蓝”(或“寺”)、教士自然叫作“比丘”(或僧)、大主教叫“大法王”。上帝耶和华的称呼则取叙利亚文“???? ?alāhā”音译,叫作“皇父阿罗诃”。
All heav'n worships in great awe, All men long for earth's accord,
Man's true nature is assured, Gracious, three-powered, Yahweh, Lord.
Righteous men show true respect, All with wisdom sing Your praise,
All the truthful yield in trust, Saved by You from evil ways.
You are peerless, constant, true, Father, Son and Spirit, one,
Master of all other Lords, Through all time true sovereign Son.
Veil'd on boundless mystery, Search we fully without end,
Never, from beginning, seen, Never by us mortals sensed.
Only You are purest good, Only You true pow'r possess,
Only You remain unchanged, Root of lasting righteousness.
Now we ponder mercy, love, Fill the nations with Your joy,
“Messiah” is Your holy Son And salvation without alloy.
Ageless King and willing lamb Sharing bitter toil and pain,
Pray, remove man's heavy guilt 'Til our nature's freed again.
Holy Son at Your right hand, From Your throne above the world,
Master, hear the call from those In the fire-stream tossed and whirled.
Master, and most gracious Sire, Ruler and good Lord of all,
Teacher, law creator, King Leader, who saves those who fall.
Lord, provide the meek of strength, Eyes on You be fixed thereto.
Drop sweet dew upon the parched, Till our roots be fed in You.
Righteous and adored Messiah, Mercies wider than the seas,
Great and humble Holy Ghost, Laws are our sure verities.(A-men.)
七律 登九华山