What is considered living in a house? key takeaways. Legally, a home is a person's permanent primary residence—even if they aren't currently living there. A physical location is still legally considered a home if there is an intention to return and the resident has not claimed someplace else as their legal place of permanent or principal residence
按照你的标准:自住房是“A physical location is still legally considered a home if there is an intention to return (他们要放弃美国绿卡回中国永久居住吗?他们空关了四年,最后把房子卖掉了!如果他们后来又回去住,这四年可能可以算是自住房的时间,但是他们没有回去住,而是卖掉了,显然没有"intention to reutrn")and the resident has not claimed someplace else as their legal place of permanent or principal residence” (他们的绿卡申请上写的是你的美国地址,他们的绿卡上写的是美国地址,他们过去三年的报税单上写的也是美国地址)
The tax rate on most net capital gain is no higher than 15% for most individuals. Some or all net capital gain may be taxed at 0% if your taxable income is less than or equal to $41,675 for single and married filing separately, $83,350 for married filing jointly or qualifying surviving spouse or $55,800 for head of household.
A capital gain rate of 15% applies if your taxable income is more than $41,675 but less than or equal to $459,750 for single; more than $83,350 but less than or equal to $517,200 for married filing jointly or qualifying surviving spouse; more than $55,800 but less than or equal to $488,500 for head of household or more than $41,675 but less than or equal to $258,600 for married filing separately.
However, a net capital gain tax rate of 20% applies to the extent that your taxable income exceeds the thresholds set for the 15% capital gain rate.
There are a few other exceptions where capital gains may be taxed at rates greater than 20%:
The taxable part of a gain from selling section 1202 qualified small business stock is taxed at a maximum 28% rate. Net capital gains from selling collectibles (such as coins or art) are taxed at a maximum 28% rate. The portion of any unrecaptured section 1250 gain from selling section 1250 real property is taxed at a maximum 25% rate.
Note: Net short-term capital gains are subject to taxation as ordinary income at graduated tax rates.
Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is defined as gross income minus adjustments to income. Gross income includes your wages, dividends, capital gains, business income, retirement distributions as well as other income. Adjustments to Income include such items as Educator expenses, Student loan interest, Alimony payments or contributions to a retirement account. Your AGI will never be more than your Gross Total Income on you return and in some cases may be lower.
对的,我父母2019年底拿到的绿卡,他们的美国驾照上自然也是美国的地址,就是我家地址。银行statement,报税都是我家地址。不过中国驾照自然是中国地址。我妈去年做了俩大手术,外加去年机票太贵买不起,否则去年就回去卖房了。。。我们一直觉得国内那个房子是他们的自住房,在我这里只是暂时借住,以后要搬去老年公寓或者附近买房,所以忘了2 out of 5 years这个事。好像IRS没有直接的案例?柠檬分析的很有道理,“intension to return" 似乎跟绿卡矛盾。不过如果我想去arugue一下的话,有没有胜算?就是这一年不报税(退休老人regular income不到2万这个threshold,售房符合50万增值豁免的话也不用file tax return),万一被irs查到了再说?
税务法庭不是第三章的法庭(article III court),而是第一章国会建立的Article I Tribunal,虽然很多人把它叫做tax court. 由于这个原因,Tax Court是一个civil court,就是说只能罚钱,不能逮捕定罪。如果被抓住犯罪,IRS要到ariticle III court去起诉。
“If you become physically or mentally unable to care for yourself,
and you use the residence as your principal residence for 12 months in the 5 years preceding the sale or exchange, any time you spent living in a care facility (such as a nursing home) counts toward your 2-year residence requirement, so long as the facility has a license from a state or other political entity to care for people with your condition.”
按照你的标准:自住房是“A physical location is still legally considered a home if there is an intention to return (他们要放弃美国绿卡回中国永久居住吗?他们空关了四年,最后把房子卖掉了!如果他们后来又回去住,这四年可能可以算是自住房的时间,但是他们没有回去住,而是卖掉了,显然没有"intention to reutrn")and the resident has not claimed someplace else as their legal place of permanent or principal residence” (他们的绿卡申请上写的是你的美国地址,他们的绿卡上写的是美国地址,他们过去三年的报税单上写的也是美国地址)
2010-2019 自住中国房子九年
2019-2023 嫁到美国,四年拿到公民。
2023-2030 挟夫回中国自住七年。
最后卖房,那么借住美国四年可以算入自住年限,因为事实证明她有intention to return。
2010-2019 自住中国房子九年
2019-2023 移民美国,只有绿卡,声称永久居住美国。
2023 卖掉房子,哪里来的intention to return?
Capital Gain Tax Rates
The tax rate on most net capital gain is no higher than 15% for most individuals. Some or all net capital gain may be taxed at 0% if your taxable income is less than or equal to $41,675 for single and married filing separately, $83,350 for married filing jointly or qualifying surviving spouse or $55,800 for head of household.
A capital gain rate of 15% applies if your taxable income is more than $41,675 but less than or equal to $459,750 for single; more than $83,350 but less than or equal to $517,200 for married filing jointly or qualifying surviving spouse; more than $55,800 but less than or equal to $488,500 for head of household or more than $41,675 but less than or equal to $258,600 for married filing separately.
However, a net capital gain tax rate of 20% applies to the extent that your taxable income exceeds the thresholds set for the 15% capital gain rate.
There are a few other exceptions where capital gains may be taxed at rates greater than 20%:
The taxable part of a gain from selling section 1202 qualified small business stock is taxed at a maximum 28% rate. Net capital gains from selling collectibles (such as coins or art) are taxed at a maximum 28% rate. The portion of any unrecaptured section 1250 gain from selling section 1250 real property is taxed at a maximum 25% rate.Note: Net short-term capital gains are subject to taxation as ordinary income at graduated tax rates.
Adjusted Gross IncomeAdjusted Gross Income (AGI) is defined as gross income minus adjustments to income. Gross income includes your wages, dividends, capital gains, business income, retirement distributions as well as other income. Adjustments to Income include such items as Educator expenses, Student loan interest, Alimony payments or contributions to a retirement account. Your AGI will never be more than your Gross Total Income on you return and in some cases may be lower.
对的,我父母2019年底拿到的绿卡,他们的美国驾照上自然也是美国的地址,就是我家地址。银行statement,报税都是我家地址。不过中国驾照自然是中国地址。我妈去年做了俩大手术,外加去年机票太贵买不起,否则去年就回去卖房了。。。我们一直觉得国内那个房子是他们的自住房,在我这里只是暂时借住,以后要搬去老年公寓或者附近买房,所以忘了2 out of 5 years这个事。好像IRS没有直接的案例?柠檬分析的很有道理,“intension to return" 似乎跟绿卡矛盾。不过如果我想去arugue一下的话,有没有胜算?就是这一年不报税(退休老人regular income不到2万这个threshold,售房符合50万增值豁免的话也不用file tax return),万一被irs查到了再说?
如果capital gain超过这个8万多起征点的话,即使没有regular income也是要交税的。另外还有州税。我理解的对吗?
萤火虫这个问题,不仅仅牵扯上增值税的问题。我估计他父母是享受ObamaCare的补贴的。那么前提是要报税。Adjusted Gross Income要有一定数目,不能太多不能太少。如果2023年税表上多了一笔几十万美元的增值收入,那么他们的AGI一定超过补贴限制,那么他们需要付两万左右的ObamaCare保险费(如果享受补贴大概一个月一百元)。所以这里面的“损失”更多了。
Death and taxes, only two things you can be certain...
税务法庭不是第三章的法庭(article III court),而是第一章国会建立的Article I Tribunal,虽然很多人把它叫做tax court. 由于这个原因,Tax Court是一个civil court,就是说只能罚钱,不能逮捕定罪。如果被抓住犯罪,IRS要到ariticle III court去起诉。
所以,Tax Court(Tribunal)的法庭规则和一般法庭规则稍微不同,证据的要求低一些,也没有无罪假设,因为他不牵扯到“罪”。
中国的房产不怎么涨,就是选择出租 cap rate 也很差,软妹币好像也不怎么坚挺。唯一好处是 cost of carry 比较低(大部分没有房产税,管理费用也很低)。
“Tax Court(Tribunal)的法庭规则和一般法庭规则稍微不同,证据的要求低一些,也没有无罪假设,因为他不牵扯到“罪”。”
如果是起诉你逃税漏税,是刑事起诉,那么要证明beyond reasonable doubt,需要70%以上的可能性,居住50-50加上绿卡,不知道能不能达到。
尤其是国内的房子,买来其实是个bare-bones的空壳,装修费可以有一大笔抵掉。当然你得要有保留下来的发票。旅行居住等等花费。所以不要用sencond home,很多限制划不来的。
from IRS publication 523:
“If you become physically or mentally unable to care for yourself,
and you use the residence as your principal residence for 12 months in the 5 years preceding the sale or exchange, any time you spent living in a care facility (such as a nursing home) counts toward your 2-year residence requirement, so long as the facility has a license from a state or other political entity to care for people with your condition.”
" so long as the facility has a license from a state or other political entity to care for people with your condition.”