虽然就交易界面来说,Schweb也许优于其它两个。但是对于长线投资人讲,Schweb在cash sweep position上有个巨大的缺陷。
什么是cash sweep position?它其实就是在你还没买股票和债券之前,暂时Park现金的地方。股票分红或是债券的利息也是会存到这里。现在现金也是有比较高的利息的。那么咱们对比一下
Schweb: 0.48% APY as of 9/6/23
Vanguard:5.27% APY as of 9/6/23
Fidelity: 4.97% APY as of 9/6/23
看出巨大的区别了吧。当然在Scheweb, 你可以把现金放入它的money market fund
象比较大的账户,一般会保留5-10%的现金头寸以便在暴跌时买入股票。这可能会等几个星期甚至几个月。几十万的现金不挣个利息太亏了。呵呵。所以虽然我有7个brokers accounts. Schweb是我最不喜欢的一个。但是现在TD也并入它了。我在考虑move those to Fidelity.
checked my Fidelity acct, found out that with around 9 K in cash, I got around $20 interest monthly.
Then chose where you can park the park. There are two options in general but you can choose one.
Right now it's not much.
But I will look into it in the near future.
里面的 cash 自动 sweep to 某个 money market fund,记不得什么名字了,目前就是剑大侠说的4点几利息
TD (now Scwab) sweep account earns almost nothing,要自己手动交易高一点利息的 money market fund,settlement T+1,与国债市场同步,与股票市场不同步。很容易犯错。
你把钱放在vanguard 你就是vanguard owner. 它赚钱省钱都是为你服务。你若放在其他firms他们用你的钱赚钱省钱首先为stock holders服务。
Also DCP (and two years ago became NQDCP, actually the amount of that part is much larger than 401 K).
The 9 K cash I was talking about is from the "indivudual acct", which is the stock trading acct (it's a margin acct you can even do DT: day trading)
目测有5%以上,每个月15号发。昨天 才发的DIVIDEND
虽然就交易界面来说,Schweb也许优于其它两个。但是对于长线投资人讲,Schweb在cash sweep position上有个巨大的缺陷。
什么是cash sweep position?它其实就是在你还没买股票和债券之前,暂时Park现金的地方。股票分红或是债券的利息也是会存到这里。现在现金也是有比较高的利息的。那么咱们对比一下
Schweb: 0.48% APY as of 9/6/23
Vanguard:5.27% APY as of 9/6/23
Fidelity: 4.97% APY as of 9/6/23
看出巨大的区别了吧。当然在Scheweb, 你可以把现金放入它的money market fund
Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund® – Investor Shares (SWVXX) 5.23% Schwab Government Money Fund – Investor Shares (SNVXX) 5.05% Schwab Treasury Obligations Money Fund – Investor Shares (SNOXX) 5.06% Schwab U.S. Treasury Money Fund – Investor Shares (SNSXX) 5.03但是你必须自己进行买卖。而不是自动的。仅此一点而言,Schweb就很不方便。对长线投资者的吸引力骤减。
象比较大的账户,一般会保留5-10%的现金头寸以便在暴跌时买入股票。这可能会等几个星期甚至几个月。几十万的现金不挣个利息太亏了。呵呵。所以虽然我有7个brokers accounts. Schweb是我最不喜欢的一个。但是现在TD也并入它了。我在考虑move those to Fidelity.
checked my Fidelity acct, found out that with around 9 K in cash, I got around $20 interest monthly.
Then chose where you can park the park. There are two options in general but you can choose one.
Right now it's not much.
But I will look into it in the near future.
里面的 cash 自动 sweep to 某个 money market fund,记不得什么名字了,目前就是剑大侠说的4点几利息
TD (now Scwab) sweep account earns almost nothing,要自己手动交易高一点利息的 money market fund,settlement T+1,与国债市场同步,与股票市场不同步。很容易犯错。
你把钱放在vanguard 你就是vanguard owner. 它赚钱省钱都是为你服务。你若放在其他firms他们用你的钱赚钱省钱首先为stock holders服务。
Also DCP (and two years ago became NQDCP, actually the amount of that part is much larger than 401 K).
The 9 K cash I was talking about is from the "indivudual acct", which is the stock trading acct (it's a margin acct you can even do DT: day trading)
目测有5%以上,每个月15号发。昨天 才发的DIVIDEND